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"I do believe that making your intentions care would be a good start." Owen chuckled, clearly amused by Thomas' discomfort at the entire situation. "There's no point in getting yourself all tied in knots before you are even aware if she feels the same way."

"Oh, she does," Nancy insisted. Her smile beamed so brightly that it could have been seen for miles. Thomas raised an eyebrow at her, intending to ask how she could possibly know unless Miss Skeffington had said something to her.It would not be such a surprise to know that they have spoken about me behind my back.

"Has she said something to you, my dear?" Owen asked, looking hopeful on Thomas' behalf. Instinctively, Thomas opened his mouth to say he did not wish to hear Miss Skeffington's private thoughts. But he did not get the chance to protest.

"Alice did not need to say a word!" Nancy announced. "Both her feelings and yours have been abundantly clear from the very first night. The energy between the two of you is so heated that I would have to be blind not to see it. After all, she is my closest friend."

"Then she has not spoken of me?" Thomas asked, feeling slightly disappointed. Nancy chuckled then, clearly amused by his reaction.

"You should be relieved by that, Lord Warrington! It means she likes you and does not wish to admit it!" Nancy exclaimed, her tone filled with happiness and amusement. Thomas scowled, uncertain of whether Nancy's instincts were entirely accurate.

Of course, Miss Skeffington had come willingly to his bed but how was he to know that she did not just wish to have a little fun? He quickly shook the idea away as soon as it began in his mind. Miss Skeffington was definitely not that kind of woman. She was intelligent and beautiful and kind, well rounded in all aspects.

"She was also quite audible on her distaste for the others I invited this week," Nancy added. "Yet barely mentioned you. Even when prompted, she skirted my questions."

That might be due to the fact she was fearful she might let something slip that would get us both in trouble,Thomas thought, remembering the night they had spent together. His loins instantly began to ache.

"I know one thing for certain, Thomas," Owen announced. He had been quiet for several minutes though Thomas had felt his gaze upon him the entire time, examining him closely as if he wished to get a deeper measure of the situation. "If you do not act upon your feelings. There is another man who shall."

Thomas did not need to ask who Owen meant. He flinched at the mere mention of Mr Gouldsmith who had flitted about Miss Skeffington like a fly all week. He had overheard the gentleman assuring the young woman that he would definitely be paying a visit to see them at Skeffington Manor and Thomas was sure that his friend was right.

There was really only one reason that Mr Gouldsmith would travel all the way out into the countryside to Skeffington Manor which was even more remote than many of the other nobles' countryside residences. Thomas pictured Mr Gouldsmith getting down on one need before Miss Skeffington and heat rose to his cheeks, his hands tightening to fists.

"I know that look!" Owen announced gleefully. "You have made a decision!"

Thomas was not sure whether his urge to beat Mr Gouldsmith to a pulp was really a decision, but it had certainly set his thoughts down a solid path, one which led to a destination that truly terrified him.
