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And there was Baron Colton and his brother a little further away from the table, looking none too fussed either way. Lady Denby was watching him expectantly from beside them where he had left her at the edge of the dancefloor. Just behind her, Thomas realised with a gulp, was Miss Hyatt and her aunt.

Both Alice and Nancy had insisted upon inviting them, even though Thomas could not help but feel as though it would be like poking a beehive. An even more concerning guest appearance was Mr Gouldsmith who stood off in the corner of the room with a grim and none too amused expression, a drink in hand, looking as though he had already had quite enough to drink.

For a moment, Thomas remembered the conversation he’d had in the Kendall library with the man and how Mr Gouldsmith had been insistent that he would visit the Skeffingtons at his earliest chance.

Perhaps I was merely lucky enough to beat him to it,Thomas thought, though he quickly remembered that he ought to give his wife-to-be far more credit than that. He was certain that even if her parents had insisted, she would not have suffered Mr Gouldsmith as her husband. Thomas was still dumbfounded at the fact she had accepted him.

Realising that everyone who mattered was there, Thomas sucked in a deep breath and squeezed Alice’s hand gently. A brilliant smile spread across his face the moment he started to announce, “Miss Skeffington and I shall be married at the end of the month!”

Several cheers rose up immediately from the crowd. Lady Skeffington looked fit to burst with tears and her husband pulled her close with a proud smile upon his own face. Owen and Nancy cheered the loudest, leading the applause with bright, shining faces at the head of the crowd.

Even Baron Colton and his brother were cheering animatedly along with several of the married couples who had attended Nancy’s week-long event. The only people who appeared less than enthusiastic were Mr Gouldsmith and Miss Hyatt. Even Rachel’s aunt appeared pleased for them, though Miss Hyatt stood stone still beside her, glowering at Thomas and Alice. Thomas pulled his bride-to-be a little closer in an attempt to protect her from the glare.

I will not allow anyone’s negativity to upset this evening,he vowed before quickly turned Alice away, offering, “Miss Skeffington, will you do me the honour of your first, second, third and all of your dances this evening?”

Alice chuckled at that and nodded before adding, “Though I do believe that two or three might be my maximum. I am quite exhausted after all of Nancy’s preparations.”

Thomas leaned forward and whispered into her ear, “I do hope not too tired.”

He felt her tremble against him and as Nancy announced the beginning of the dance, Thomas led her out onto the floor to be the first to start.

It was not until they had completed the three dances Alice had promised that both finally agreed to take a rest. Thomas found he was much less out of breath and exhausted than he would have expected to be. Though he led Alice to the edge of the dancefloor, relieved to remove himself from the eyes of everyone watching the dancers.

“I think I might need a little air,” Alice commented, using the fan that had been strapped to her wrist in an attempt to cool herself.

“Then allow me to escort you outside,” Thomas insisted and offered her his elbow once more. On their way toward the terrace doors at the other end of the ballroom, Thomas and Alice received many congratulations on their engagement.

It was not until they had been outside in the cool night air for several minutes that they were accosted by someone unwilling to give congratulations. They had been gazing out over the stone railing, into the rose garden when Mr Gouldsmith took them both by surprise.

“How could you agree to marry this…this arrogant, self-righteous…”

Thomas turned on Mr Gouldsmith, urging him with a stern expression not to go any further. To his credit, the man pursed his lips until Alice turned to look at him.

“We could have had so much fun together, but you did not even give me the opportunity,” Mr Gouldsmith snapped at her and Thomas instinctively took a step toward her, preparing to defend the love of his life. Anger began to boil in his gut at the man’s insolence.

Alice did not look at Thomas. She merely gripped his hand and squeezed, everything about her demeanor warning him not to be over-reactive.

“You are throwing your life away, Miss Skeffington,” Mr Gouldsmith continued, and Thomas could take it no longer. He stepped forward, barring Mr Gouldsmith from looking at Alice.

“How dare you?” he demanded, heat rising in his face. His head felt as though it might explode if he did not defend himself, “You have no right, none at all, to come here and insult me or judge my fiancée’s decisions.”

A gentle hand landed on Thomas’ forearm but still he could not look away from Mr Gouldsmith, glaring into the man’s dark brown eyes with the urge to wrap his fingers around his throat and squeeze. It was only Alice who stepped between the two men that made him hold back. He could not bring himself to even think of her getting hurt when caught in between them.

Thomas gritted his teeth, watching Alice take hold of Mr Gouldsmith’s hands. She said gently, “Andrew, do you not see? We spent much time together here during Nancy’s housewarming week and yet, you do not talk of the fun we had, but rather the fun wemighthave had if I had continued to give you my time?”

Gouldsmith appeared confused but Thomas was certain he could see where she was going with it.

“You are so concerned about being well-liked and well respected and doing everything right that you have forgotten to merely enjoy your time and find the person who makes you happy,” Alice continued. Her voice was soft and gentle, her body language small and unthreatening and Thomas see the look in Gouldsmith’s eye that suggested she was getting through to him.

“Perhaps instead of looking for a wife, you should merely seek someone who helps you to have fun in the moment,” Alice said. Then she shook her head and added, “That was never me.”

Thomas feared that Alice may have pushed it too far. Gouldsmith looked like he might protest or even grow angry. The Earl barely stopped himself from jumping to her aid.

With a deep sigh, Gouldsmith tugged his hands from Alice and offered a curt nod.

“Perhaps you are right, Miss Skeffington,” Gouldsmith said, his voice gravelly and Thomas did not entirely believe that he meant the words. Especially when Gouldsmith glanced at him with an obvious look of disdain. “Though I will never understand why you chose him.”

“Mr Gouldsmith, it was no choice at all,” Alice stated, and Thomas cringed for the poor man until she added, “That is what I am saying. You must find the woman who leaves you in no doubt, who makes you want to marry her at the earliest opportunity, who fills your every waking thought and all your dreams besides.”

Thomas feared that Gouldsmith might be able to say that was her, but he was relieved when the man merely nodded and stepped out of the way, clearly encouraging them to leave him for the safety of the ballroom.

Thomas wasted no time in gripping Alice’s hand and leading her away, “Come, sweetheart, Nancy might come looking for you if we do not get back inside.”

He could feel Gouldsmith’s scathing gaze upon his back even as he led his fiancee back into the manor.I am going to have to keep an eye out for him,Thomas thought, sure he would never be able to let his guard down while Gouldsmith was around.
