Page 20 of Hollywood Hotshot

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Taylor stared for a moment, arms outstretched, as if ready to continue pleading his point. His arms fell empty, his lips pressed tight together, and slowly he shook his head, his eyes glued to Roberta’s face. He climbed on the ATV and slapped his palm against the steering wheel before starting the machine. They returned the ATV and drove to Burgess Lane in silence, where they parted company without another word.

The next afternoon, Roberta stood in her kitchen staring out the window at Taylor’s house. No cars were in the driveway, and all was quiet.

“He confessed?” Sara was barely audible above the dissonant choir of barking dogs in the background.

Roberta adjusted her phone receiver. “Yup, he did. Said he had to, quote, read it for himself, end quote. Then he had the gall to ship it off to some friends for their review! Can you believe it?” The heat rose in her body just thinking about it again.

“Maybe he liked it?” Sara offered. She knew Roberta wrote in her spare time and had expressed a desire to read it but had never pressed the issue.

“That’s what he said. But Sara, I’ve been down this road before. I don’t want any part of it again.”

“So, get it back.”

Sara always made things sound so easy. She was used to firing single commands and having them followed. Woe to the dog that didn’t. She was always gentle, but disobedience led to instant correction and retraining.

“I asked for it back. I’m still waiting,” Roberta said. It had been less than twenty-four hours since their argument, so it might have been in transit.

Silence ensued over the line for a moment.

“So, what else is happening? Any other behavioral episodes between you two?”

“Let’s see. He made a pass at me at the Fourth of July party. And he’s started to call me Bertie all of a sudden.”

“Really? Oh my God! You’re just getting around to telling me now?” Sara’s voice was fast and up an octave.

“Don’t worry. I set him straight.”

“Are you kidding me?” Sara exclaimed.

“No, why should I get involved? I’ll be leaving in a couple months. It doesn’t make any sense to get involved.” Even though she believed her own words, Roberta couldn’t help noticing the sinking feeling in her gut. The same kind she had when she opened the few rejection letters she had received.

“Girlfriend—stop thinking with your scientific, logical head and think with your lady parts! Have some fun while it lasts! Enjoy him!”

“I’d like to, but it doesn’t seem right.”

“Right, schmight! If he makes another pass, you stop thinking and have a good time.”

Roberta couldn’t help but laugh as Sara continued to plead the case of sexual gratification.

She disconnected the phone and continued to stare out the window. As much as she’d like to be in Taylor’s arms, his betrayal made it impossible.
