Page 3 of Hollywood Hotshot

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Friday dawned warmwith a baby-blue cloudless sky. The dogs woke her at five, before the alarm went off, begging for morning relief. Sleepy-eyed, Roberta shoved her feet into flip-flops and took the dogs out into the backyard, toggling on the pre-set coffee maker on the way through the kitchen. As usual, she stood in the backyard, watching the dogs while they sniffed around for the best place. A light breeze blew the tangled strands of her hair into her sleepy eyes as she waited patiently for the dogs to return. All was peaceful and tranquil; the type of morning Roberta loved the most.

Closing her eyes, she listened to the bird song from the forested area beyond the large yard’s edge. Breathing in a lung full of fresh air, she caught a whiff of some flowery fragrance. Was it lilacs? She sighed deeply and frowned. The flowers in her garden back home must be in full bloom. It was a shame she missed seeing them every year, always being on an assignment when they blossomed.

Her stomach growled. A glance at her watch showed it was time to make breakfast. She gave a low whistle, and the dogs came running.

A house door slammed just when she rounded up her two canines. Instinctively, she clutched each dog by his collar. All eyes shifted toward the house next door, where a lone figure walked toward the SUV. Intrigue kept her rooted to the spot, watching the action unfold.

A hundred feet away, a gorgeous, dark-haired man of solid build sauntered toward an Escalade. Broad-shouldered and narrow-waisted, Roberta knew there had to be sculpted abs beneath his black form-fitting T-shirt. His well-defined, muscular arms swayed as he walked to the vehicle. It was more of a stalk than a swagger, and it sent her heart into a gallop. She shivered, goosebumps rising on her arms. There he was, finally, the man so familiar to stage and screen. The perfect example of manly flesh in many women’s minds. And her new next-door neighbor.

A black-capped chauffeur opened the rear door of the SUV for him. The chauffeur’s lips moved, saying something to her famous neighbor. Taylor looked over his shoulder at the tableaux she and the dogs presented.

Another shiver ran down Roberta’s spine as Taylor’s eyes took her in from head to toe. Acknowledged with eye contact, the dogs strained forward to meet him. Acting quickly, Roberta struggled with the dogs, holding firm to each by the collar to keep them from bolting to greet the new arrival. “Whoa, boys. No.”

Taylor turned back and said something to the chauffeur, making them both laugh before getting in without a wave or a smile in Roberta’s direction.

Arrogant stuck-up jerk. Couldn’t spare a wave or a good morning?Roberta’s nerves prickled at the obvious slight. The SUV backed out of the driveway and then sped down the street toward the roadblock. Her eyes followed it until it was out of sight around the curve.

“Show’s over, boys,” she said while hustling the dogs into her house.

Not until she got into the bathroom for her shower did she realize she had been outside with the dogs in her nightclothes—nothing more than a pair of panties and an oversized T-shirt. Roberta clasped her flushed cheeks between her palms. No wonder he made fun of her. He probably thought she was just another groupie coming on to him. She sat on the edge of the tub, buried her face in her hands, and tried to regain her composure.


“Great. There’s a half-dressed groupie living next door,”Taylor said to the chauffeur as the SUV sped down the road.How long before she’s knocking on my door, asking for an autograph, or throwing herself at me? Just once, I would like to have a quiet place to hang out while on location and not be disturbed.That was the whole point of renting a house instead of staying in a luxury hotel’s penthouse suite. While the hotel could supply greater security measures, fans and paparazzi always managed to sneak by them. And Taylor was tired of being cooped up in a hotel suite. He needed fresh air, a place to exercise. A backyard where he could invite the cast over, maybe even have a party on the Fourth of July.

The chauffeur’s eyes met Taylor’s in the mirror. “Maybe she won’t be a problem.”

But this floozy next door looked like she might be a problem. Women were always a problem, coming on to him, trying to entice him. He frowned at the image of the woman in what had to have been her pajamas. The oversized T-shirt didn’t reveal much, but her bare legs were gorgeous. Nonetheless, he had to try to ignore her. Keep his distance. Maybe she would get the hint he wasn’t interested.

Not that that worked at all in LA LA Land. Everyone there was brazen as hell, walking right up to him in restaurants, at events—even following him into the men’s room for autographs and pictures. And, of course, each one claiming to be his biggest fan. If the woman next door tried that tactic, he would have to set her straight. Put her in her place so she didn’t come interrupting his peace and quiet whenever she felt like it.I’ll let her know there are boundaries, and she better stay on her side of them.

“The dogs are kind of cute. Looked friendly too,” Alex, the chauffeur, added, his eyes meeting Taylor’s in the rear-view mirror.

Taylor thought of the dogs he had seen with her. They looked docile enough. It’d been a while since he’d had a dog to play with. His heart gave a dull pang as he remembered his old childhood dog.It’s been twenty-something years since I’ve had a dog. It would be kind of fun and a great stress-reliever to play with the two next door.“Hmmm.” His head swarmed with the possibilities.

Taylor shook his head. No, that was just inviting trouble. Maybe he could play with the dogs without interacting with their momma. He would do that in a heartbeat. But he was not going to risk giving her the wrong impression.


Sara and Roberta jogged side by side, their Nikes thudding in unison as they hit the pavement. Twists of hair flew into the air and fell onto Sara’s shoulders in the same rhythmic pattern. Roberta admired her friend’s trim physique encased in a sports bra and tight running capris. All that dog walking kept Sara in top shape.She doesn’t need to jog three times a week with me, but I’m glad for her company.Roberta glanced down at her own body. Yoga might not be doing much to keep her hips and butt in check. She reached down to adjust her black running shorts, then smoothed out the wrinkles of her U2 World Tour T-shirt over her ample chest.

Roberta asked, “How’s your beau doing?”

“Good,” Sara replied.

But Roberta noticed Sara’s frown. “What’s happened?

Her frown deepened. “Nothing. That’s the problem.” When Roberta gave her a quizzical look, she continued. “Nate and I have been dating for three years. Not once have we discussed marriage. When I try to bring it up, he has to leave, make a phone call, or whatever.”

Feeling the frustration in Sara’s voice, Roberta demurred. “I’m sorry. Is he really what you want?”

“Who knows at this point?” She rolled her eyes. “Maybe I should cut him loose.” Her chin dropped to her chest. “But three years—” Sara stopped, wiped her eyes, and appeared to regroup. “How’s your neighbor?”

Explaining what happened the first morning, Roberta ended with, “At least he could have said hello.”

“Of course, he didn’t say hello. You were naked! I’m not sure I would have said hello to the strange woman next door who walks around butt-ass naked.” Sara chuckled. “I know we talked about waving across the yard. Did you have to do it naked?”
