Page 38 of Hollywood Hotshot

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Roberta stood, hands on hips, staring at the bright blue metal tank. “Taylor, could you go up to the bathroom and turn on the tub faucet for me?”

“Sure,” he said and went off to do as directed.

In a few minutes, water pouring out of the tub faucet could be heard even in the basement. Roberta checked the water tank gauge and waited for the water pump to kick on.

Taylor called down the stairs, “Let me know when to shut it off, okay?”

“Yup, hang on. How does the water look? Is it discolored or anything?” She yelled at the top of her lungs, her eyes glued to the gauge.

“Looks perfectly fine.”

The water gushing continued as Roberta waited until the water pump clicked on. The gauge on the water tank reacted as it should. “Okay, shut it off, Taylor.”

She met him at the top of the stairs. He looked as dumbfounded as she felt. “I don’t know what the problem with the water is supposed to be. I’ll try to get the water guy out here to check out everything anyway in case I’ve missed something. In the meantime,” she said, glancing around at the mess. “I have to deal with the condition of this house and my cat. And I have to call the lawn service to see why the grass I’m paying to have mowed isn’t being mowed. And when I find her, I have to deal with Erica.”
