Page 51 of Hollywood Hotshot

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He advanced on her. Leaning on the table with both hands, his fingers splayed, he got to within inches of his mother’s nose. “No, there is something else. I can feel it in my bones. Did Melissa promise you something? What do you get out of this deal?”

Gail Reyd slumped in her chair, her eyes widening at her son’s sudden advance toward her. “I—I—she ...”

“Yes ...”

Gail dropped her face back into her hands. “She promised to win you back and give me a grandchild within a year’s time.”

Taylor snapped upright. “A grandchild? You did all this for a grandchild?” The tone of his voice registered an octave higher.

Tears streaming down his mother’s face, she looked up from her hands. “Yes,” she choked out. “I’m not getting any younger, Taylor. I’m sixty. I’ve already had one brush with cancer.” Sniffing, she added, “All my friends have grandchildren. I’m tired of waiting for you two to marry and make me a grandma. It’s long past time, Taylor.”

Stalking to the window, his head reeled with her proclamations. Roberta’s car was gone. There had not been any sign of her or the dogs since he had been back. Maybe what Melissa said was true. Maybe she had seen the photos and had split for home. With a sigh, he wrestled his mind back to his mother.

Walking back to her, he took her hands in his. “Listen up, Mom. I’m only going to say this one more time. And we will never discuss this again. Melissa and I are finished. We will never get married. We will never have children together.” He dropped her hands. “End of discussion.” Taylor straightened his back, lifted his chin, turned on his heels, and stormed off to his room.
