Page 6 of Hollywood Hotshot

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Sweet Jesus, TaylorReyd is picking me up!Her mind flashed back two dozen years to the last time she was carried like this. Sweat sprouted along her forehead and underarms as tremors threatened to overtake her body. Roberta growled, shoving the feelings from so long ago back into that secret compartment she never opened.

Voice cracking, Roberta cried out, “Put me down!”

Taylor ignored her demand, carrying her to the safety of the living room before setting her on the carpet. “There. No worries about cutting your feet,” he said, looking down at her painted toenails.

“You could have handed me a pair of shoes.” Shaking off the last vestige of her memory, she forced a smile.

“If I had seen a pair, I might have.” He stepped back. “Keep your door locked. Don’t open it to anyone you don’t know.” He looked over her shoulder, a frown and furrowed brow taking over his face. “Where are your dogs?”

“I left them in the bedroom.” Roberta gestured down the hall then blushed. “Got the memo about the door lock loud and clear.”

Taylor’s eyes locked with hers. “Good. I’ll, um, I’ll leave you. I do hope you’re okay. If you need anything, I’m next door. And so are my two bodyguards. They’re here at all times, whether I’m home or not, so please don’t hesitate to call them.” He called over his shoulder as he stepped by the remains of the demolished door, “Dominic, give Roberta your number, will you, please. Guard the door tonight and see about fixing it tomorrow.” He turned away and strode across the grass toward his own house.

“Thanks.” It was all she could think to say. Any anger over the incident had ebbed away. Taylor had seemed genuinely apologetic about the invasion. He had even helped her to safety. Sensations of Taylor’s arms around her sizzled through her body. A slow smile crept across her face.How many women can claim that?

Yet again, the dichotomy of her feelings stunned her enough to make her knees wobbly.


Taylor returned to his temporary home, feeling the bareness of her legs against his arms and the heat of her body against his chest. He shook his head to dispel the thoughts though they would not dissipate. She was light and lithe in his arms. Must be all that yoga he had seen her doing. His memory burned with the sight of her hardened nipples, straining against the front of her T-shirt, and the shapely legs that rose up to it and disappeared into regions parts of him ached to explore.

No. He shook his head. She was off-limits. He had to keep his nose clean and free of trouble at this film location. Setting his mind to more practical matters, he remembered the contract and shook his head again, a sinking feeling in his chest.I’ll have to call Laurel for damage control on this one. Make sure the arrest is quiet and buried in the police records.

He reached his house, glancing back over his shoulder to ensure Dominic was guarding Roberta’s back door. Satisfied he had done everything he could for the moment to help his new neighbor, he went inside, cell phone in hand, his finger hitting Laurel Lynn on speed dial.

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