Page 40 of Rule Number One

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With a deep breath, I whipped open the door to our room. My eyes bulged when I saw Ethan standing in nothing but a white towel wrapped around his waist. His chiseled back muscles greeted me first, and the dark swirling ink wrapping around them only amplified their lines.

“Oh, shit,” he said, spinning around to face me. “Sorry. I thought I’d be dressed before you got back.”

My gaze slid from his eyes and roved over his muscular shoulders to the chiseled pecs that flexed as he reached down to tighten his towel. That movement drew my eyes to the six-pack abs I could have scrubbed my clothes on ... the abs I wanted to trace every inch of with my tongue.

My mouth went dry as all the liquid in my body seemed to beeline straight between my legs.

Kiss him.

My feet froze while that new voice in my head screamed at me to step forward and shove my tongue in his mouth. Thoughts so dirty they made me blush raced into my mind.

Kiss him.

My hormones surged like the roaring of a jet engine as I soaked in every last inch of his wet, muscular body.

Just fucking kiss him already!

My brain screamed at me to act, and this time, my paralyzed body listened. It felt like I was back on the peak of Millennium Force as I pushed myself over the edge and catapulted forward to act on the feelings threatening to burst out of me.

I slammed the door shut and stepped forward, swallowing up the space between us. Ethan’s eyes went big just before I wrapped my hand around his neck and pressed my lips to his. He froze, his body rigid as I held my lips against his, my sanity flickering on for a moment as I realized he wasn’t responding.

Oh, God. What did I do?I thought as I stood there pressed against his frozen body.

But just as I started to pry my lips from his with visions of jumping off the back of the train and running away with my crippling embarrassment in tow, his arm wrapped around my waist and yanked me against his hard body. My breath whooshed out of me with the force of his pull, and his tongue slipped into my open mouth, meeting mine and igniting the fire inside me into an inferno.

His hands moved to my face, cupping it firmly as he pushed me backward. I hit the wall and gasped from the exquisite pleasure and pain the force of his push had inspired. His mouth devoured mine as my hands traveled up his back, exploring the taut, bulging muscles beneath my spread fingers.

“Fuck, Ivy,” he growled against my lips, then deepened our kiss.

I moaned into his mouth, my body heating to scorching as he pressed into me, and I felt his rigid cock against my hip.

How could I have forgotten this?I thought as my fingers moved to his chest, spreading wide to grasp his pecs. It felt impossible that my brain, no matter how drunk, could ever erase memories of a man who kissed like this one. Never in my life had I burned with such passion as he ignited inside of me. I wanted more ... more ... more.

I wanted all of him.

I reached down and loosened the knot in his towel. It dropped to my feet.

Ethan paused our kissing, and his lips pulled into a smile against mine. “Damn, Ivy,” he whispered before reaching up and sliding his hand through my hair, grasping it tightly as he crushed my lips with a powerful kiss. “You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to kiss you,” he whispered as his lips moved to my neck. “It’s consumed my every thought since I first saw you. It took everything I had inside of me to stop myself the other night at my place. I wanted this so badly.”

I moaned and tipped my head back as his tongue traced its way along my neck to my collar bone. My body buzzed with anticipation as his tongue and kisses peppered my skin, and I wondered what they would feel like in other places on my body.

But then, suddenly, my blown mind kicked back in.

Wait. What did he just say?

I furrowed my brow. “Hold on. What do you mean it took everything you had not to kiss me? You didn’t kiss me the other night?”

Ethan kissed his way to my ear. “No. Of course not. You were wasted. I would never take advantage of you like that.”

I froze and reached over and slid my fingers under his jaw, pulling his face back up to mine. “We didn’t have sex?”

His sexy smile dissipated as he furrowed his brow. “What? No. Of course not. You were hammered. I just kept you busy thinking I was going to sleep with you until you fell asleep.” He tipped his head. “Hold up. Have you thought that we slept together this whole time?”

My heart stalled as the truth of the night came to light. “Yes. I thought I just blacked it out. Oh, my God. So, we didn’t sleep together?”

He laughed and ran a hand through my hair. “No. Of course not. We didn’t even kiss. You fell asleep on my couch, and I covered you up with a blanket. That’s as close as I got to touching you.”

My stomach plummeted. “Oh, God. I can’t believe this. Why the hell didn’t you tell me we hadn’t slept together?”
