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“No, it’s not like you to lose your balance,” he said. “I want you to rest.”

“There is nothing wrong with my stamina or my strength,” she insisted.

“I’ll decide that.”

She tossed her hands in the air and sat down next to the table. “Why are you being overprotective?”

“Why can’t I look after you?” he said in a growl.

“Why can’t I look after you?” she shot back.

Dev jerked his head back in surprise. “I don’t need looking after.”

“But I do?” This was the problem of being married to a traditional man.

He leaned forward, his hand on the back of her chair. “You’ve had a rough year.”

“So have you.” And she hadn’t been there for him when he needed her the most.

“Why won’t you let me take care of you?” Dev’s eyes flashed with anger. “Why does this always have to be an argument?”

“You help more than enough.” He helped her so much that she felt like she couldn’t reciprocate. “I live in your house, I spend your money and I don’t contribute anything.”

“Contribute? You do more than you realize. When we were preparing for our son, it was the first time I felt like I belonged to a family.”

The familiar ache settled in her chest when he mentioned their son. “Anyone can give you that.”

“You’d be surprised,” he whispered in her ear. “Anyone would take what I have to offer. But you reject everything I do for you.”

Her shoulders stiffened and she turned her head sharply to stare at Dev’s dark brown eyes. “I don’t reject you.”

“Yes, you do.” This time Dev looked away. “You reject every gift I give you, every gesture, every act I make outside the bedroom.”

Was that true? Tina nervously licked her lips as she tried to remember. She had felt uncomfortable when he lavished her with gifts and she couldn’t give him anything in return. He could make her life easier with just one phone call and all she seemed to do was make his life a living hell. “I don’t mean to. It’s just that...”

He turned quickly, his gaze holding hers. “What?”

Tina gestured between them. “We’re unequal. You have all the power and I have none.”

She saw the shock tighten Dev’s harsh features. “That’s how you see it?”

“That’s how it is!” she insisted and leaned closer. “How can I accept help from you when I can’t give anything back?”

“You help your family,” Dev pointed out. “Your mother and sisters. You don’t expect anything in return.”

“Well, that’s different because—”

“Because in your family, you’re still trying to make up for the fact that you were a financial burden to your mother.”

Tina bit her lip as her skin flushed. She felt exposed. She hated feeling that way, but most of all, she hated that Dev knew.

“And you’ll keep working every job you’re offered,” he continued, “and you pay for everything your family needs because you feel like you have to pay a debt.”

Tina wanted to look away. How did he see all this? What else did he notice? “My mother could have gotten rid of me once my father left. She had considered taking me to an orphanage,” she said as her voice cracked. “Instead she kept me.”

“And you’re a financial burden to me?” he asked. Dev slowly shook his head. “Just how much money do you think you spend?”

“It’s not how much I spend. It’s how much I cost you. You could have ignored me and the baby. You married me because you felt like you should. And what did you get out of it? Your career still took a hit once you got married.”

“I don’t care about that.”

“You will one day.” If he didn’t care about it now, it was because he didn’t know how it felt to be at rock bottom. Soon he was going to resent the trouble she caused. Tina slowly rose from her seat. She couldn’t discuss this anymore. Maybe she was as fragile as Dev thought. She felt like she needed a few minutes alone.

“Excuse me, I need to find the restroom. No, no.” She held out her hand as he rose to escort her. “Don’t worry, I can find my way there myself.”

“I’ll get you a drink while you’re gone.”

“Thank you.” As she walked to the restroom she admitted to herself that she did feel a little wobbly. It might be the stiletto heels or that she needed to drink some water.

Stepping into the dark room with black sinks and counters, Tina glimpsed her reflection in the mirror. Just as she suspected, she looked like a wreck. With a heavy sigh, she combed down her spiky hair with her fingers and readjusted her dress. She stepped into one of the stalls and closed the door. Once she locked it, she rested her head against the cool metal and gave a deep sigh.
