Page 15 of Alceu

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Chapter Fourteen


While my house is in order and my men are in line, life cannot settle into the rhythm it should. Waiting for Salvador to come through on his threat, to take revenge, not only on me but also on Giulia, has me feeling like I’m constantly walking on eggshells. It doesn’t help that someone was actually in our house with their hands on my wife. Just the mere memory is enough to send rage coursing through my veins again.

Patience isn’t my strong suit. The fact that Giulia and I have been married for almost a month and Sal has yet to try to retaliate again has my skin feeling too tight and my temper flaring at even the slightest inconvenience. Couple all these factors with the fact I have a rat in my ranks, and I’m likely to shoot first and ask questions never.

“You need a break, brother,” Mancuso says, watching me closely.

“No.” I glare at him. “I need Salvador to make a move so I can go to fucking war. And I need you to find the damn rat.”

“I know that,” he snaps, clearly offended at me telling him how to do his damn job.

“Then why the fuck are you sitting in my office?” I ask harshly.

Mancuso leaves without another word. I’m being unfair and that my brothers are doing everything in their power to help me, but it just doesn’t feel like enough. We have known about the rat since before the wedding, and still, that motherfucker is a part of my organization. He is smarter than we give him credit for, and finding his identity is proving to be damn near impossible.

My wife’s laughter drifts in through the window of my office. Giulia enjoys spending time out by the pool. We have spoken about her being able to go to college, perhaps starting a career, but I’m reluctant to let her out of the house while Sal is still a threat. Surprisingly, when I told her this, she was fine with staying home until the threat had been taken care of, as long as I promised to think about college.

Her father had forbidden her to go, stating that a woman doesn’t need to know anything else but how to take care of her home and her husband. I barely controlled my rage when she told me this. Giulia is a smart woman and has excellent insights into both business and people. She will be a great asset to our organization when the time comes. When she sits at my side, ruling like the queen she is, I can’t wait to rub her father’s face in it. The old days have passed, and women are worth more than just their looks, cooking skills, and the ability to bear children.

Just hearing her laugh soothes my soul, and I rise from behind my oak desk, eager to seek her out. Walking outside, I see her sunbathing in a bright green bikini, cell phone glued to her ear. She must be speaking to her sister or her best friend Harper. Her mother and father have not tried to contact her again after our last run-in.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch the man tasked with watching her and keeping her safe adjusting his obvious erection in the front of his slacks. Rage colors my vision as I walk up behind the unsuspecting man. My arm wraps around his throat in a chokehold as my gaze connects with Giulia’s, who has already ended her call. The man struggles in my grasp as Giulia watches me closely.

In the back of my mind, somewhere, my rational self is screaming at me to stop. I can’t just go around ending any man that looks at my wife. She is in her prime. Twenty-one years old, long legs, pert breasts, a fantastic ass. But my jealousy wins out, and I snap the man’s neck, his limp corpse falling to the ground with a thud.

Turning, I leave Giulia alone on the patio beside the pool. I don’t know how to explain my actions. I don’t know if I can. If she ever realizes the depth of my obsession, she would either run from me or use it against me. After entering my office, I slam the door with so much rage that the windows in the room rattle in their panes. Standing in the center of the room, I breathe harshly, trying to regain my composure.

My mind is so focused on getting myself under control that I don’t hear Giulia enter the room. Her soft touch on the center of my back has my entire body going rigid.

“Leave, Giulia,” I say lowly, not turning to face her.

“Alceu,” she replies softly.

“I said leave,” I roar, turning to face her.

She watches me closely before answering. “No.” Her shoulders are thrown back, confidence radiating from her.

“Woman, don’t push me today. You should be running in the opposite direction. You saw what I just did.” I stare her down.

“Yes,” she breathes out. “I saw what you did, and I know you must have your reasons.”

Her reply confuses me. But then it hits me. Giulia doesn’t see what men do when they look at her. She doesn’t realize just how sexy and seductive she is. She doesn’t understand that I just killed a man with my bare hands in broad daylight because I caught him leering at her.

“He was looking at you,” I say lowly.

“That’s his job, Alceu,” she says, misunderstanding what I meant.

“And getting his dick hard? Is that part of his fucking job?” I ask.

I expect her to flinch, to move away from me, but her reaction floors me. Giulia steps closer, her hands circling my neck.

“It doesn’t matter. There is only one dick I’m interested in,” Giulia whispers in my ear huskily.

It’s only after she speaks that I see she is aroused. Grabbing her by the ass, I pull her against me, her legs wrapping around my waist. Pushing everything off my desk, I set her on the edge, spreading her thighs wide and positioning myself against her mound. Her chest is flushed, her breasts rising and falling with her breath, hard nipples poking against her bikini top.

“Are you horny, wife? Does seeing me kill a man get you wet?” I grind my cock against her.

“Yes,” she gasps.

Fuck! How perfect is this woman? She doesn’t fear me or my darkness. Doesn’t fear the violence I am easily able to dole out. Instead of running from me, she runs toward me. My cock pulses behind my dress pants, begging to be buried deep inside her.
