Page 21 of Alceu

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Six months later

I have never felt fear the way I did when that shot went off. I remember it like it happened this morning.

The blank basement did nothing but amplify the horrific sound. And then I saw Salvador’s body drop to the ground, a hole in his head, staring up at the beams keeping up the house above our heads. But then I saw that Giulia was bleeding too. A bullet wound in her shoulder. I didn’t even hear her scream.

My gaze snapped back to Severu, holding his gun steady. I wanted nothing more than to rip his fucking head off. But then I heard her voice.

“Thanks, Severu,” Giulia said quietly after taking a deep breath. “But don’t do that again. It hurts like a motherfucker.”

Severu nodded before turning. He started talking to the men in the hallway, directing them outward. I rushed toward Giulia, lifting her legs off the ground. I didn’t know where the key was, but I did know I needed to relieve the pressure off her arms.

“Severu!” I called out to him.

He returned within seconds, carrying one of the green blankets from upstairs, and covered my wife with it. Then he removed the keys from Salvador’s pocket and unlocked Giulia.

Carrying her out of that house was both the hardest and easiest thing I have done in my life. The hardest thing because now I have to look at her every day, knowing I failed her, again. I never wanted her to get hurt. But also the easiest because now I can make sure nothing like this ever happens again.

Sitting behind my desk, I look out the window and watch Severu and Giulia practicing some hand-to-hand combat beside the pool. Since that day, he hasn’t been the same. Having to shoot her at her request has fucked with his head. He watches her constantly and won’t allow me to assign a new bodyguard. He won’t let her out of the house without him. He watches her like a hawk.

And then Stefano. He recovered from the gut wound Antonio gave him, but he only came home about a month ago. There were a ton of complications, and I can’t begin to remember how many times we came close to losing him. Andrea is the hawk there. She watches him, feeds him, and takes care of him. Her father has been here a hundred times in the last six months, insisting she return home, but he can’t force her. As an eighteen-year-old, she is officially old enough to make her own decisions.

It doesn’t help that my wife has done everything in her power to keep her little sister here. Andrea has a wing of the house to herself for privacy but spends most of her time with Stefano in his wing.

My musings return to my wife, and I gaze outside again to find she’s no longer there. I feel panic start to set in but breathe deeply. She is here and fine. Nothing will happen to her again. But that doesn’t stop me from turning to go out and look for her. But I don’t have to. Standing in the doorway is Giulia, watching me.

“Hello, wife.” I smile at her.

“Husband,” she purrs, entering the room and locking the door behind her.

She has been medically cleared from her injuries and concussion for more than a month. Although I want nothing more than to fuck her against the door, I don’t know how much damage Salvador did to her mind, and I don’t want to pressure her.

“Am I still your queen?” Giulia asks demurely.

“Yes!” I exclaim immediately. “What kind…”

“And do you still love me?” she asks while walking closer.

“Yes,” I answer immediately.

“Then I want you to show me,” she whispers in my ear.

Backing her up, I push her against the door. I slam my lips on hers. Both of us tear at each other’s clothes. Lifting her into the air, I pin her with my torso, my hands beneath her ass as I slam home. Giulia moans loudly, her pussy already rippling along my cock. I don’t know if I am going to last, not having fucked her in so long. I’ve forgotten how good it felt, how tight she is.

My hips piston into her, both of us heaving for breath. Moving one hand, I stroke her clit harshly, sending her over the edge. I fuck her through the orgasm, my gaze locked on her expression as she comes. When she finally opens her eyes, she smiles at me brightly before whispering in my ear.

“I’m not on birth control anymore.” Her husky voice washes over me, sending me over the edge and into oblivion.

The End
