Page 6 of Alceu

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Chapter Six


“Where are you going?” my father asks from the breakfast table.

I haven’t slept a wink since I agreed to marry Alceu Cammareri last night. I keep thinking that someone may have overheard my conversation with him, that my father might know.

“To the gym, Father,” I reply calmly, even though I don’t feel that way. “I want to look my best for my husband on my wedding day.”

He watches me closely for any sign of deception. His gaze scans the gym clothes I’m wearing before stopping on the bag I have slung across my shoulder.

“And the bag?” he asks.

“Mother wants to meet afterward for our hair and nails. I don’t want her to wait, so I will shower and get dressed at the gym.”

He nods before continuing to eat his meal, effectively dismissing me. I don’t stand around and wait for him to change his mind, but hightail it out of there. Jumping in my car, I switch on the GPS in my phone and then head toward the location Alceu sent me not fifteen minutes ago.

When I arrive, Alceu is already waiting for me, leaning against his SUV. As soon as I stop, he opens my door and holds out a hand for me.

“Is this all you brought with you?” he asks as he takes the gym bag.

“There isn’t much I want from that life,” I reply as I take a seat on the passenger’s side.

Alceu nods before rounding the car and getting in. We leave my car in the field with my cell phone in the front seat. We need the time to get the wedding done with before anyone knows where I am. Alceu has taken control of everything.

He drives us to his family estate as he speaks on the phone to what I’m assuming is his assistant while I stare out the window. I don’t listen to his conversation, having long since been conditioned to mind my own business. Women are treated the same as children in our world. Seen and not heard.

When he’s satisfied that his directions will be followed to the letter, he turns his attention to me. “Is there anyone you would like to have there this evening?” he asks.

My eyebrows shoot into my hairline. “You’re giving me the option?” I ask incredulously. Usually, women are just expected to fall in line.

“Of course.” He seems slightly shocked by my question. “This may be a marriage of convenience, but from what I understand, a wedding is of particular importance to a woman.”

“Well yes.” I sigh. “Most women dream of their wedding from the time they are little girls. But it doesn’t matter. The people I would like to have there are the same people who are trying to force me to marry Salvador.”

Alceu nods in understanding. “Very well.”

We drive in silence for the next twenty minutes before pulling up to massive wrought-iron gates. A man comes out of the guardhouse, assessing us before using a remote control to open the gate.

Instead of driving through, Alceu pulls up beside the man.

“This is Giulia. Tomorrow, she will be Mrs. Cammareri. She is free to pass whenever she chooses.”

Alceu does not wait for the man to respond before he continues down the drive. I try to take in everything around me as we drive down the narrow, paved lane. Tall trees line both sides, sprawling lawns behind them. A gasp escapes me as we reach the end of the lane, and the house finally comes into view.

It looks more like a castle than a house. Double-storied, dark bricks, and more windows than I can count. All the trim is painted white. Dark, heavy, wooden doors bar the entrance at the top of several stairs. Beautiful green plants, shrubbery, and colorful flowers surround the entire house.

Alceu chuckles beside me as the car comes to a stop beside the massive front doors. We all know that the Cammareri Family lives outside the city limits, and everyone knows where the estate is, but none dare approach unless they want to die. My gaze scans around, landing on a million different little things. I reach for the door handle, preparing to get out of the car so I can better admire this beautiful house. But Alceu stops me.

“Wait for me to round the car and open your door,” he speaks slowly. “It’s not just a safety precaution, but my mother did try to teach me to be a gentleman when I was younger.”

Without waiting for a reply, which I’m realizing is common for him, he gets out of the car and rounds to my side to open the door. Taking his outstretched hand, I let Alceu help me get out of the car before leading me toward the steps, his hand on my lower back.

“I will give you the entire tour tomorrow,” he whispers into my ear unexpectedly. “I can see the curiosity in your eyes. Besides, this will be your home for the foreseeable future, giving you more than enough time to explore to your heart’s content.”

The need to explore and snoop bubbles up in me violently, but I tamp it down. Alceu is right, after all. I will be living here and can explore fully at my leisure after the wedding. Speaking of, he hasn’t told me anything about the arrangements he has made. Although I am loath to ask, I need to know at least some of the details.

Before I can open my mouth to ask anything, the front doors open and an older gentleman stands before us. He is dressed in a dark-blue suit, with a white button-down shirt and bright yellow tie. Not a hair is out of place, and his posture is immaculate.

“Sir.” The man nods in reverence while Alceu continues to guide me up the stairs.

“Frederico,” Alceu greets in return. “This is Giulia. Giulia, this is Frederico. He runs the entire household with an iron fist. Without him, this entire place would probably crumble to the foundation. If you need anything or want to know something about the house, he will be able to help you.”

I smile at Frederico, but he doesn’t return it. His stoic demeanor is something I’m used to. The staff never interact with the members of the household for anything other than their duties.

When we enter the house, Alceu doesn’t allow me any time to take in the opulence surrounding us, instead, leading me toward the kitchen. As we enter the room, four people stare at us.

Sighing loudly, Alceu introduces me. “This is Giulia. Giulia, these are my brothers, Severu, Mancuso, and Stefano. And this is Rosa, our housekeeper and chef.”

Everyone stares at me intently, waiting for me to say something, anything.

“Does she talk?” the brother he pointed out as Severu asks. “Or are you marrying a mute?”

Alceu doesn’t get the chance to correct his brother before I interject.

“Not mute,” I snark. “I just don’t know what you want me to say. It’s nice to meet you? How would I know? You could be an asshole.”

The shortest of the three men bursts out laughing before walking toward me and wrapping me in an unexpected hug. “I like you already. My name is Mancuso.” He pulls back to smile down at me.

“Okay,” I reply skeptically.

Alceu interrupts before anyone else can speak. “The wedding is in six hours. Don’t any of you have something to do?”

All three of his brothers nod before leaving the kitchen. Alceu places his hand on my back again, leading me out of the kitchen, up the stairs, and down a long hall.

“I have made sure a room is available for you to use for your preparations. For the sake of believability, we will share the master bedroom after we are wed.”

I want to interject, but he simply raises his palm. “As we agreed, I won’t pressure you to have sex with me, but one can never be too cautious, and I don’t need some spy running off and telling Salvador that our marriage is a sham.”

Dammit. What he says makes sense. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to spend too much time with Alceu while we are married, especially not in such a personal setting. The man fucks with my senses, arousing me more than any other man. It seems I may have a thing for bad boys. Alceu opens the door before us and ushers me inside.

“What do you expect me to do for six hours? Just sit here and wait?” I ask.

“No,” Alceu replies. “The stylist, hairdresser, and makeup person should be here shortly. They will help you get ready.”

“Get ready?” I ask in confusion.

“Yes, Giulia.” He smirks. “You are marrying the head of the most powerful mafia family on the south coast. Although this isn’t a marriage forged out of love, we will be doing it the right way. There will be people to witness our union, photos will be taken, the cake will be eaten. And I’m sure at least one of my brothers will dance with you. By this time tomorrow, there will not be a soul within a hundred-mile radius that doesn’t know how happily married we are.”

As he finishes speaking, a knock sounds at the door. Alceu steps aside and ushers in the staff that has been arranged to assist me in my preparations. I want to say something, I want to ask a million questions. But words fail me, and then Alceu is gone.

Three women descend upon me instantly, all smiling and talking a mile a minute. This is going to be a long day.
