Page 32 of Wild Weekend

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“Travis?” Christine’s unsteady voice echoed in the lobby. “I thought I heard you.”

Travis’s breath hitched in his throat when he saw Christine in the lobby. His heart began to pound as she walked toward him. Her brown eyes seemed bigger and her features appeared more delicate. The simple brown dress highlighted her pale skin and feminine body. Her movements were innately sensual. She didn’t need high heels to show off her incredible legs.

Christine had a determined smile on her face as she clutched her cell phone as if it was her lifeline. He knew she wanted to take control of this reunion   and get him out of here. In the most ladylike fashion, of course, because that was what people expected.

Not if he could help it. “Christine.” He held his arms out wide.

Her smile took a dip as she stood in front of him. “What are you doing here?”

“You know why I’m here.”

“No...” She gave a cautious look at Laurie, who showed no interest in leaving them alone. “No, I don’t.”

So that was how she was going to play it. Innocent until the very end. He could play this game, too. Expose her lies and her true self to her friends.

He stepped forward and gathered her in his arms. “I missed you,” he admitted in a growl. “I missed this.”

Her body went rigid in his embrace. “I don’t understand.”

“You left so quickly yesterday morning,” he complained. “Snuck away like a thief.”

“Um...Travis?” She looked from side to side as her cheeks turned red. “What has gotten into you?”

He didn’t know. He meant to pretend he was a devoted lover, but it felt too real. He found the pull irresistible. Travis bent his head and claimed her mouth. Heat exploded between them as she parted her lips. He darted his tongue into her mouth, desperate for another taste of her.

He broke away when he realized he was getting into dangerous territory. She had a hold on him that he didn’t understand and didn’t want to break. “I’m not ready to let you go,” he said gruffly.

Christine carefully stepped out of his embrace and gestured to the door. “Why don’t we step outside and discuss this?”

“As you wish.” He gave a sharp nod. “I’ll follow you anywhere.”


CHRISTINE SCANNED THE area when they stepped outside the bank. No one was around, but she knew her coworkers were watching her from the windows. She was tempted to find a private spot, but that was asking for trouble. Especially after that kiss.

She brushed her fingertips against her mouth. She wanted to kiss Travis so much that her lips stung with need. The instant attraction they had shared in Vegas had been exciting and new. Now it was inconvenient.

And the flare of desire in his eyes didn’t make sense. She didn’t turn heads when she walked through town. Why would Travis watch her as if he knew exactly what she looked like underneath?

“Okay, Travis,” she said as she strolled to a tree with low branches next to the parking lot. “What is really going on?”

“You tell me.”

She gave him a quick glance when she heard his sharp tone. She saw his harsh features and felt his hot gaze. She had never seen him this intense. “I don’t understand. Is this some kind of joke?”

“Believe me,” he said in a low voice, “I’ve never been more serious.”

“Why me?” She turned and leaned against the tree trunk, then looked up to meet his gaze. “You had your choice of women in Vegas.”

He gave her a curious look. “And I chose you. The question is why did you choose me?”

“Are you kidding?” she asked. Travis was everything she admired in a man. He was a mix of strength and gentleness, of knowledge and action. When she was in his arms, she felt safe to break out of her comfort zone.

“Why did you?” he asked. “I really want to know.”

“Travis, what we had was fun.” She didn’t like that description; it made her time in Vegas sound trivial. That weekend changed her. Travis changed her. “But I am not the kind of woman men pursue.”

He tilted his head. “What are you talking about?”

Wasn’t it already glaringly obvious? Christine curled her hand tighter against her cell phone and the device bit into her palm. She had never been mysterious or stunning. She didn’t attract male attention.

She didn’t mind it. At least, that’s what she told herself. She had other things to offer in a relationship. She was the caregiver, the cheering section. But that wasn’t enough to hold a man, apparently. When Darrell dumped her because she wasn’t exciting enough, it had been a wake-up call.
