Page 52 of Wild Weekend

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“Darrell,” Christine said, standing at the doorway. If she allowed him into her office, she’d never get rid of him. She clasped her hands in front of her. “How is everything going at the bookstore?”

“I’m doing great.” His voice carried through the small bank. “Better than ever.”

“That’s good to hear.” She had helped him from the moment he decided he wanted to go into business on his own. She remembered the long hours as she guided him through the paperwork and assisted him in preparing the carriage house. He had been grateful for her work and she was thrilled to see a dream become a reality.

But he wasn’t willing to reciprocate and help her achieve her goals. She had wanted to travel and expand her world. Climb mountains to see if she could do it. Meet every challenge and become the daring woman she always wanted to be. Not only had Darrell claimed he was too busy with his store, but he thought her needs were a waste of time.

And he didn’t know all of them. She was so glad she’d never shown Darrell her list. Sure, getting a tattoo wasn’t as fulfilling as building your own business, but that goal had a reason behind it, which Darrell never asked about. Travis, on the other hand, understood that goal. He knew she wanted a permanent symbol that honored the person she was today.

“So, what can we do for you today?” Christine asked with a professional smile. It had been a long, trying day. Trust Darrell to show up when the bank was supposed to close in five minutes. He probably had a difficult problem with no easy solution, but she wasn’t going to stay after business hours for him.

Darrell shoved his hands into the pockets of his pressed chinos. “Did you really meet this Travis guy in Vegas?”

Christine jerked her head and frowned. That was the last thing she expected to hear from Darrell. “Why do you ask?”

“It’s okay, Christine.” He reached out and cupped her shoulder in his hand. “You can tell me the truth.”

She stepped away from his touch. “I don’t know what this is all about.” And she wasn’t telling him anything. She had always held back with Darrell, and she knew that made her just as responsible for the lack of passion and intimacy in their relationship.

“You were upset about what I said—under the influence, I might add.” He flattened his hand against his chest. “It wasn’t my fault.”

The day he apologized for his actions would be the day she’d keel over in surprise. Christine rubbed her hand over her face. “You’re going to bring that up now?”

“I realize that our breakup may have sent you into a tailspin.”

She crossed her arms. “I assure you it didn’t.” The breakup had hurt, but she’d recovered quickly. That had been a sign that their relationship had been over long before they officially ended it. His words, however, had jolted her.

Darrell’s eyes narrowed as he studied her expression. “Did you really go to Vegas?”

“I did. Why?”

He shrugged. “I heard you played strip poker and joined the mile-high club.”

“Excuse me?” A laugh erupted from her throat. “And you believed that? Do you know me at all?”

“I know you’re mad at me and you need to prove me wrong. Did you pay Travis to come up here and pretend to be your lover?”

She raised her eyebrows. “Wow, you really don’t know me. Darrell, you need to stop reading so much fiction.”

“You have to admit—” he looked at her from head to toe “—you are not the type of girl he goes for.”

Christine automatically brushed her fingers against her fake pearls as she glanced at her gray pantsuit and flat shoes. She certainly wouldn’t have caught Travis’s attention if she’d worn this outfit in a Vegas casino. “According to you, I’m not the type any guy goes for.”

“There’s something that just doesn’t add up,” Darrell insisted.

“Because he’s exciting, sexy and a little bit dangerous?”

Darrell’s pale face reddened. “Yes,” he bit out.

Christine motioned him closer with the curl of her finger. “I’m going to let you in on a secret.”

Darrell’s blue eyes lightened as he leaned forward. “Yes?”

“It’s none of your business,” she whispered theatrically.

“He’s not your boyfriend, is he?” Darrell asked as he took a step back. “That’s why you won’t give me an answer. You need to prove to everyone at Cedar Valley that I was wrong and you made a deal with this guy.”

“I didn’t make a deal with her.” Travis’s voice was right behind them. “And she doesn’t have to tell you anything about our relationship.”
