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“Doyou think Aoife and Finn will come today?”

I stared at Camille in bewilderment. “It’s Sunday dinner.”

She arched a brow. “So? She wasn’t here last week.”

“She was in the hospital. That’s different. This is tradition we’re talking about.”

“She just had a miscarriage, Brennan.”

“It’s Sunday dinner,” I repeated. “You don’t miss Sunday dinner.”

“You don’t understand women,” she groused.

“I understand you.”


My lips curved. “You didn’t say that last night.”

She grumbled something in Russian under her breath then asked, “Why do you even call it Sunday dinner when it’s two PM?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “We’ve just always called it that. She’ll be here,” I predicted.

“She’s grieving. She’s bound to be in pain.”

“Roasted chicken, gravy, and potatoes fix all wounds.”

“You’re being obtuse on purpose,” she complained.

Laughing, I hauled her against me, letting her feel my boner as I grabbed her ass. “I do most things with a purpose.”

Waspishly, she informed me, “I will have sex with you in most places, Brennan, but not in your mother’s living room.”

“Do I look as if I have a death wish?”

She squinted at me. “What does that look like? The same as constipation?”

“Funny, very funny,” I teased, smirking at her and giving her ass a final tap before I positioned her under my arm. “Why do you like this room so much?” I asked after a second.

To me, this was the same as having a bunch of mugshots on the walls.

Ma had hundreds upon goddamn hundreds of photos here, so many that you couldn’t see if it was wallpaper or paint beneath the frames.

We were all there in various stages of childhood and adulthood, sometimes cleaned up, sometimes looking like we’d been dragged through a dirt pile in the backyard.

Finn’s cold stare peered back at me from beneath the brim of a graduation cap as he held up his diploma, looking about as cheerful as the sun during a blizzard.

Conor’s cocky smirk beamed at me too, but he held about a million diplomas in his hands.

Around them, there were also shots of my uncles and my grandparents on both sides.

“This is your family,” Camille explained.

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