Page 46 of Denial

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Ezekiel hears it, and smirks. "No. We don't wanna be late now, do we? Your dress and shoes are in there."

He nods his head towards the bedroom, and, with wide eyes, I begin rushing towards the room. Jeremiah laughs as I run past him. I stop short though, when I see the dress hanging on the bathroom door.

"Oh my God," I murmur.

"I think she likes it." Jeremiah chuckles.

"Go, go, go." I push Jeremiah out the room. "Give me thirty minutes and I'll be ready."

I hear him and Ezekiel laughing as I rush to the bathroom. I pause again when I reach the dress, trailing my hand down the smooth fabric. Silver, silk, thin straps, and now that I'm closer, I can see the two thigh high slits on the front of it. I am sure it had something to do with them deciding to get this dress. That, and the plunging neckline. It's perfect.

I look around for the shoes and find not only one of the most beautiful pair of heels I have ever seen, but a purse next to it. Both black, the shoes having a silver heel, and the purse featuring a silver link chain.

"Thank you!" I shout before going into the bathroom.

I hurry to shower and get ready, loving the way the silk feels sliding over my skin as it slips down my body. Grabbing the products I need, I hurry to do my hair, parting it on the left side so it swoops down close to my right eye, before tucking behind my ear. I curl the ends, and then I stand to walk over to my shoes and purse. I put my purse on my shoulder as I step into my heels, dropping my phone and room card inside. It's all I need. Well, maybe not all I need, because when I open the door and see Jeremiah and Ezekiel standing there, I begin to reevaluate.

"You like?" Ezekiel asks.

"Much more than like," I say, feeling like that was more of a confession than I meant for it to be. But they have me so off kilter right now.

Them in suits will do that. Jeremiah's wearing a dark grey suit, and a white shirt with a few buttons left open at the top. Ezekiel has on a black suit, black shirt, and a silver and black pocket square. They both look so sexy that I feel the need to make sure I'm not drooling. They both wear black and silver watches.

"Did you guys try to match me a little?" I tease.

"Gotta make sure any man who looks your way know you're with us," Jeremiah says.

My brows raise. "Is that right? And I think you mean, it's also for any woman who dares to look at either of you."

"Are you staking a claim?" Ezekiel questions.

"I thought that was pretty clear by now."

He smiles, and I wonder what's going on behind those brown eyes.

Is he having his own war right now, trying to convince himself to trust again, to give again, again? Which way is he leaning? His words are kind, his smile true, and that softness in his eyes when he looks at me has become more and more common. But I know what it is to have promised yourself, vowed to yourself, that you wouldn't let anyone break your heart. I'm barely overcoming that vow to myself at this very moment.

Can he?

Jeremiah's hand comes to my lower back, and I look over at him. This man that's stuck between these two people with fragile hearts and stubborn wills. If either of us pulls back, pulls away, he'll suffer. We all will.

Jeremiah's brows furrow as his other hand comes to my cheek. "Hey, what's wrong?"

I swallow the truth, not wanting to ruin this night. "Just happy you guys did all this."

"You let us know when the next trip is, and we'll be there, too," Ezekiel states.

I chuckle. "Deal. Well, wine and dine me. Let's go."

We walk out of the room, down the hallway to the elevator. When the elevator doors close and I look at our reflections in the steel, a feeling of rightness fills me. Jeremiah to my right. Ezekiel to my left. Me, in the middle. It just feels right. Like this is what I've been waiting for when I was adamant that I wasn't waiting at all.

"Yeah," Jeremiah murmurs.

I look over at him and he smiles at me. The doors open and right outside the hotel is an idling limo.

"Well, well. You guys are really trying to make sure you get some action tonight, huh?" I joke.

"You are just such a romantic." Jeremiah chuckles while the driver opens the door.
