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She straightened her spine, squaring her shoulders. Even in this tropical paradise, she was the picture of a corporate businesswoman. Dark hair slicked back into a ponytail. Makeup impeccably applied. Jeans she’d paired with a gray blazer, despite the summer temperatures.

On the other hand, my hair was arranged in a messy bun, my body clad in a pair of running shorts and t-shirt that said “I can go from Southern belle to ghetto thug faster than you can say ‘Bless your heart’”. I may have had a slight obsession with t-shirts with ridiculous sayings on them.

“At times, yes. But then I remember how hard you worked to get here. It wasn’t easy. And you’ve overcome more than your fair share of obstacles, both professionally and personally.” She gave me a knowing look.

There was a time I thought my business would go under due to everything going on in my personal life. But it didn’t. Naomi made sure of it. She was as much a part of The Mad Batter as I was.

“You truly are the picture of an American success story. You should be happy with all you’ve achieved.” She paused, tilting her head. “Aren’t you?”

I didn’t know how to put this without sounding ungrateful. I was elated to have my dreams realized. But that was the thing about dreams. In concept, they were great. But the reality didn’t always live up to the expectation.

I was beginning to think that was the case here.

“Of course I’m happy,” I assured her. “But I just feel like something’s…missing.”

She pushed back from the table and stood, shoving her tablet into her computer bag. “I can tell you exactly what that is. A man.” She playfully waggled her brows.

“Not you, too.” I rolled my eyes as I raised myself to my feet. “I swear. That’s all I’ve heard from my brother lately. How I should put myself back out there.”

“And he’s right.”

“It’s not that simple. Not with—”

“I get it, Jules. I may not be able to fully understand or appreciate your reasons, but I get it. At the very least, you should try to leave yourself open to the possibility of meeting someone new. Someone who makes all the shit you went through inconsequential.” She smirked. “Perhaps you’ll meet him tonight.”

“Tonight? I don’t recall seeing anything on the itinerary for—”

“It’s the last night of your thirties. Let’s give them a proper send off with the three Ds.”

“Three Ds?”

“Dinner. Drinks. And dancing.”

“Phew.” I dramatically wiped my brow as I followed her into the house, her heels clicking on the bamboo wood flooring. “For a second, I thought one of those Ds included—”

“Believe me, Jules. I would love for you to get some dick, and if the opportunity presents itself, I beg you to go for it. But for now, let’s just plan on having a fun night out while we’re here. May as well take advantage of the beautiful scenery. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“If I say no, does that mean I don’t have to go tonight?” I looked at her hopefully.

“Not a chance in hell.” She stuck a finger in my face. “Don’t make me put it on your official agenda. I will if I have to.”

As much as I would love to spend a quiet night at the gorgeous beach house that was my home for the next week, perhaps sip a glass of wine on the lanai, I knew Naomi wouldn’t let it go. Hell, she’d forcibly remove me from the house if it came to it. That was the type of amazing friend she’d become over the years.

“Fine. We’ll go out and bid farewell to my thirties. Although I’m not sure this island has enough alcohol to erase them from my memory.”

“It’s a good thing I’m always up for a challenge then, isn’t it?”
