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“What are your terms?”I tented my fingers in front of me, eyes focused on Belle.

A pink blush covered her cheeks, chest rising and falling in an irregular pattern. Truthfully, it had taken every ounce of resolve I possessed to not yank her body against mine the second I overheard her discussion with her friend.

I hadn’t even intended to stop by. But after my conversation with Nikko earlier — being forced to come to terms with the possibility Piper had been cheating on me, that the man I was convinced was responsible for that horrible night was innocent — I needed a distraction. So I went for a walk and somehow ended up here, where I not only stumbled upon Belle out on the lanai, but also that she was pretending to proposition me.

“T-terms?” she repeated.

“Yes. Terms for a week of sinful, lust-filled, depraved fucking.”

She winced. “Can you please stop saying that?”

“Why? What’s so wrong with it?”

“It just… It sounds so vulgar.”

“I disagree. And not because of the content of the statement, although I don’t find the idea of fucking to be vulgar at all. The fact you had no problem saying what you want is incredibly attractive.”

Her full lips curved up in the corners, a smirk momentarily chasing away her nerves. “Is that right?”

“Absolutely, Belle.”

I leaned across the small table. Linking my fingers with hers, I brushed her knuckles with my thumb. Her skin was so soft, so smooth, a complete juxtaposition to the roughness of mine.

“There’s one thing you should know about me,” I told her. “I don’t play games. If I say something, I mean it. And your confidence is one of the sexiest things I’ve seen in quite a while. It makes an already incredible package even more…alluring.”

I raised her hand up to my mouth and feathered a light kiss along it. That was all it took for her cheeks to redden even more, her body incredibly responsive to me. If this was how she reacted to a gentle touch, I could only imagine how it would be when I did all the things I’d imagined doing since I first laid eyes on her.

“So…” I released my hold, relaxing back into the chair. “Terms. What are your non-negotiable conditions to this sort of arrangement?”

She gulped down a healthy dose of her wine and straightened her spine. “No real names.”

“Agreed. Next?”

She parted her lips, then quickly shut them, blowing out a breath. “To be honest, I haven’t exactly thought this out. What you overheard was just my friend and me messing around.”

I cocked a brow. “But you are interested, aren’t you?”

“Well… Yes, but—”

“Then tell me what it’ll take to make you comfortable with this arrangement.”

“A blindfold for you,” she muttered.

“For me?”

“Either that or you agree to let me leave my clothes on.”

“Why don’t you want me to see you naked?”

“Look at you. You’re all sculpted abs and chiseled muscle. Hell, I’m pretty sure your ass is so hard they could cut diamonds off it. That your six pack has a six pack.” She shook her head, chewing on her lower lip. “I don’t look like that. Not even close.”

“And it’s a good thing, because I find you incredibly attractive.” Standing, I moved my chair so I could sit beside her. When I grabbed her hand and pressed it against my crotch, she sucked in a sharp breath.

I inched toward her, lips skimming hers. “Do you think I would be this damn hard if I didn’t find you absolutely stunning?”

I kept her hand glued to me for a beat, then pulled back, releasing her.
