Page 123 of Overtime

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Deleted Scenes

1 Everything

From Third and Long


Oh God,the pain. The pain is unbearable. I’m dying. Dying.

No way am I just going to go to town while Evie’s in here though.

“What the fuck is the matter with you two?”

I thought Alex was doing his own homework, but no. That would be too easy. Instead, he’s eyeing Evie and me with suspicion. Damn, I thought I was being more covert than that with my squirming.

I’m sitting at my desk, but she’s holed up on our bed, books spread all around her makeshift work space and bobbing her head in time to the music filtering from her earbuds. I know what’s the matter with me, but I haven’t noticed Evie acting weird.

Then again, I’m too busy in my own screaming, burning version of hell while trying to get my coding assignment done. My back’s been to her for over an hour while I type a little too harshly, trying to busy my hands and distract myself.

Alarm bells ring in my head that Alex seems to notice something off with Evie. I watch her for a few minutes to see what the hell he’s talking about. She looks fine to me.

“Well? You two have a case of crabs I should know about or something?”

“Jock itch,” I mumble to him as I continue to stare at the most beautiful girl in the world.

“Oh my God.” Alex laughs. “And you gave it to Evie? Rookie mistake, man. You know you’re supposed to wait a week after you’re done with the cream to touch her, right?”

I don’t know which is more pathetic. The fact that my brother’s been watching my girlfriend like a hawk, or that he knows nothing about my sexual dysfunction because I’m too damn embarrassed to say anything about it. Sure, I’m used to deceiving everyone else by now. But something about keeping my big secret from Alex feels wrong. Foreign.

Calling it for what it is would be hard enough. No need to pile on more trauma by asking my sex-obsessed brother for advice in the absence of my regular therapy sessions. He might know that Evie was sexually assaulted last year, but he doesn’t know just how much we both suffer on a daily basis. Evie would flip her shit if she found out he knows. And that’s why every single time I feel the need to confide in the only guy I trust with that information...I don’t.

I’m just about to turn around and finish my work when I see it. A slight swivel of her hips, like she’s grinding down onto the mattress. Her brow furrows, and she chews her lip.

No way in a frozen hell would Evie be pleasuring herself with Alex in the room. Hell, I’m not even sure Evie’s the kind of girl that would get herself off at all.

What the deuce? I certainly didn’t give her my itch. I’d have to actually be intimate with her to pass anything along. I guess I should just be grateful that the dreaded ringworm picked now to tear through the locker room.

Funny how it was never a concern in my perpetually single days, and now that I’m attached? Still not an issue. Fucking life.

I’m just about to turn around and go back to work when Evie does her little dance again. Alright, I’m with Alex. Something’s up. Rising from my seat and walking over to kneel in front of the bed isn’t enough friction to satisfy my urge, but it’s damn near good enough that I have to forcefully keep my eyeballs from rolling back in my head.

I pull one of her earbuds out. She startles, shooting me a look that’s a mixture of shock and guilt.

“What’s up, babe?”

Her cheeks turn that pretty shade of pink, and she averts her gaze to the comforter. “Nothing.”

“Yeah, okay. Lie to someone who doesn’t know you.”

“Nothing, honestly.” She meets my eyes with her dangerously blue ones in defiance.

“Uh-huh. Try again, Mrs. Falls.”

She huffs and leans back against the wall, crossing her legs tightly and rubbing her thighs together.

If I wasn’t in agony, completely fucked up, and Alex wasn’t here, those moves might just turn me on. But no. Limp noodle.

“I’m itchy, okay?” she whispers at me harshly, cutting her gaze toward Alex.
