Page 40 of Overtime

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5Counting Stars


It’s a trap.

Call me suspicious, but this stalling game has gone on long enough. I’m tired, cranky, and want nothing more than to take a nap in peace before I have to get ready for my evening shift at the diner.

“Look at this one,” YiaYia insists, pointing at yet another page in the magazine laying open on the kitchen table. “It is perfect. Nothing too revealing. Very elegant.”

Papou nods his approval at her side. “I think Robert would love this on you.”

Tini snorts into her soda can. “Rob would love anything on Evie. Or nothing at all.”

My face burns with mortification, but the rest of my family laughs off Tini’s inappropriate comment with ease. Strangely, that only increases my anxiety. They can’t possibly know those kinds of things are off the table for Rob and me…can they?

“Speaking of Rob,” Mama nudges my shoulder. “Are you going to call him and admit you were too picky to choose a gown today?”

“For the millionth time, no! He’s stressed enough; he doesn’t need to worry about my inability to pick a stupid dress!”

“Eva!” YiaYia raps her knuckles against the wooden table. “You will show respect to your mother. Apologize. Now.”

“Sorry, Mama,” I mumble. “I’m really tired after our ridiculously long shopping trip. I didn’t mean to take it out on you. I’m just going to go catch a quick nap before work tonight, so I won’t bite off any of my customers’ heads.”

No sooner do I push my chair back and rise to go do just that than Papou is standing in front of me to block my retreat. “Do you not want to go to Prom? Is that the real reason you are having difficulty with this decision?”

What the hell?

I gape at my grandfather, trying to figure out the angle my family is playing.

Ever since we walked in the kitchen door, toting too many bags of Tini’s Prom essentials, I’ve been getting the third degree from everyone. Even the two women who were shopping with me.

I cross my arms over my chest. It’s the only defense I have left. “What’s going on? You’re all acting weird. I’m not even that upset I didn’t find anything. It was only my first try. I’ll check out some more options online, then go shopping again next weekend.”

“This is a good plan.” YiaYia clucks her tongue, then squints at me like she’s trying to detect if I’m lying. “Still. These decisions take time. You cannot do what needs done if you nap. Sit down again. We will discuss your options.”

I take a deep breath for patience. I’ve been trying to escape the kitchen since I first entered it. “It’s really fine. I think a nap to clear my head is probably a better idea.”

Papou seems a little too excited about my excuse. “You must need food and drink. This is why you are so fatigued. Sit. I will make you lunch.”

“For God’s sake!” I throw my hands in the air. “We had lunch at the mall! I’m not hungry; I’m not thirsty; I’m tired.”

I don’t miss the exchanged looks of panic between my family as I head for the kitchen doorway.

“Eva, wait!” Papou calls after me.

Before I can really lose my shit, a loud thump echoes from upstairs, halting me in my tracks.

Everyone who lives in this house is currently frozen with wide eyes, watching me.

“Is there some particular reason you don’t want me going up there? What was that noise?”

“Rats.” YiaYia.

“The window repairman.” Simultaneously, Papou.

Tini shrugs. “The cats probably found their stash of nip.”

Mama is the last to offer up a paltry excuse. “Um…we’re supposed to stall you for another ten minutes?”
