Page 69 of Overtime

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I’ve been in love with the same woman for twice as long as either of them have been married. We’ve been through it all together. Shit I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. More importantly, we’re time tested enough to know things are always changing. We’re always changing. The big three play of our teenage years is old and stale. She doesn’t want roses—even yellow ones—or chocolates or jewelry.

Hell, at this point in our lives, she can buy those things for herself whenever she wants them.

No. What my wife of nearly a decade, love of a lifetime, mother of my son and of my unborn daughter wants is my time.

You can’t put a price on the only thing any of us really ever has.

These guys haven’t figured that out yet.

“So, if you both recognize I’ve been married for far longer than either of you, then why do you have so little faith in me?”

“Because you’re you,” Alex states with finality. “Do I need to remind you of your past history of searching on Pinterest, of all places, for Valentine’s Day ideas? Please tell me you didn’t go that route again this year.”

“I did not,” I admit.

“Don’t get me started on your first Valentine’s Day as a married couple,” Mike says with clear disgust. “She was on a fake date with a random dude while you were stalking her.”

That still stings, not gonna lie. I shake it off. “There is definitely another dude with my wife at our house right now, but I’m more than okay with it.”

“Yeah,” Alex scoffs. “Because nothing says Happy Valentine’s Day like blowing town and leaving the wife alone with the first kid when she’s ready to pop with the second.”

“Congratulations,” Mike says, deadpan. “You’ve learned so much in nearly ten years.”

“Oh, my young Padawans,” I chuckle. “I still have so much to teach you.”

“And you’re still a geek,” Alex throws back. “To this day, I have no idea what she sees in you.”

If you ask my wife? Only everything.
