Page 18 of Half of My Heart

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“Unless there’s concrete proof showing she’s behind this, there’s nothing we can do now, Cal.”

“Jenna has saved all the emails.”

“Yes, but Valerie isn’t going to admit that she was portraying you. It’s hearsay.”

“She needs to fucking pay, Philip,” I shout into the phone, not caring how crazy I might sound to my mother or my driver.

“Cal, I understand that you’re hurt and upset, but listen to me…she’s not worth ruining your career over. She isn’t even working in the industry anymore. She’s married to some rich Italian producer who has mob connections. She isn’t worth your time.”

“Philip…I need something done,” I demand in a deadly tone.

He lets out a long breath and I can picture him running his hands through his hair. “Let me think, Cal. Right now, the only thing I can come up with is getting a permanent restraining order but even that might be hard without proof.”

“Figure it out and call me tomorrow.” I hang up after saying goodbye and turn my attention back to the window.

“Revenge is not the answer, Cal. Please, I beg you to let this go,” my mother pleads, worry tingeing in her voice. I briefly look over at her before an idea pops into my head.

“Marco,” I call out to the driver, who looks at me in his rearview mirror. “Can you please take us to the nearest toy store?” Marco nods and reroutes his navigation.

I turn to my mother and look at her. “I don’t want to discuss Valerie anymore tonight, Mother. Can you do that for me, please?” She nods and I ignore the look of disappointment in her eyes. “We are heading to the toy store where we will pick up gifts for Avery from both of us to bring to her tomorrow. I need your expertise on what to pick out.” She gives me a small smile and shakes her head.

“Fine but remember to not buy out the entire store. Jenna’s condo is already snug with all of Avery’s toys.”

“Yes, we will need to remedy that in the future as well.”

My mother narrows her eyes at me. “What do you mean by that?”

“Jenna needs a bigger place.” I shrug my shoulders, trying to look innocent, but my mother sees right through me.

“Listen to me, Cal. From what I saw today, Jenna is not some docile, wallflower that is going to let you walk into her life and take it over for her. She’s an independent woman who has been a single mother these last four years doing just fine on her own.” I tighten my jaw, feeling my blood pressure rise at the reminder.

“Jenna is not your property or your concern. She’s not going to accept you making decisions for both her and Avery.”

“She’s the mother of my child. Of course she’s going to be my concern.”

“I’m not doubting that you want what’s best for Jenna, especially since if she’s happy, then Avery will be happy. But son, you might not be the best choice for Jenna.”

I snap my eyes up to hers and stare at her. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“She’s already in a relationship, Cal. One that doesn’t need you meddling into because you feel you know what’s best,” she scolds, shooting me a knowing look.

“I don’t plan on meddling into her relationship, Mother, even though I know I am the best one for her. Jenna will come to that conclusion on her own.” I will not be a third party in someone’s relationship, but I’m confident there’s still chemistry between us. I just have to figure out a way for Jenna to realize that. “Trust me, Mother. Jenna will be mine. It might take time, but she will be.”

“Oh really? She won’t if you keep sounding like an arrogant arsehole like you do now.” She lets her words hang in the air a few seconds before breathing out a sigh and grabbing my hand. “While I would like nothing more than to see you happy and settled down, I beg of you to tread carefully, Cal. She’s been through a lot and it’s going to get worse. She hasn’t lived your lifestyle and what it’s like to be in the public eye. She doesn’t know how to handle the paparazzi and now she has to share her child with someone who is a complete stranger.” I’m about to comment that I’m not a stranger, but my mother is having none of it.

“Youarea complete stranger, Cal, and you need to realize that.” She slices her hand through the air, hushing me. “It’s going to take her a long time to trust you as a person and as Avery’s father. I know you like to be in control of everything, but please Cal, be slow and cautious with Jenna. This must be a partnership with open communication between the two. Not you wanting to handle everything.”

I absorb my mother’s words, knowing there is a lot of truth in what she says. “I’ll try my best, Mother.” I take a deep breath, close my eyes and lean my head back against the headrest. “I just want to fix everything and move forward.”

“I know you do, but this is a delicate situation. There’s nothing to fix—you just need to show them the real Cal and be the best father to Avery that you can be. And forget the revenge, Cal.” I open my eyes and just stare at her. I’m too tired to argue with her at this point as exhaustion is finally settling in from the lack of sleep and emotions from the day.

We pull up to the curb in front of the toy shop and come to a stop. We both just sit and stare at it for a moment, neither one of us attempting to exit the car.

“Maybe this isn’t a good idea,” I murmur, not knowing what the hell I’m doing. “Afterall, I have no idea what she likes.”

“Well, we know she likes Peter Pan and tea parties, so that’s a start.” My mother pats my hand in encouragement. “Come now, son. This is the part when grandmothers know best. Just follow me and give me your credit card when I’m ready.” She winks at me, and I chuckle, grateful for my mum being here with me.

A warm feeling of happiness slowly starts to wash over me at the thought of seeing my daughter tomorrow and her beautiful smile as she opens her first present that comes from me.

Her father.
