Page 41 of Half of My Heart

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“Are you going to tell Jenna that she’s purposely being followed?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.

“I will once she’s used to Mason being around.”

Robert shakes his head but doesn’t say anything to that. “The babysitter went home, but I plan on sleeping in the guestroom tonight.”

“I’ll take the couch. I’m not leaving tonight. Not until I know she’s okay.” Robert nods his approval and we decide to sit down on the lobby’s couches while we wait for Mason.

He shows up twenty minutes later with a duffle bag and I realize I hadn’t even thought of his sleeping arrangements for tonight. I introduce him to Robert, who helps us get Mason on the guest list with the front desk. Jenna will have to give him final approval to be on the approved list.

We sit back down and update him on what happened tonight and what my expectations are for him while working for me and guarding the girls. We make sure he and Robert exchange phone numbers and then Robert helps me secure a hotel room for him at the closest hotel, which fortunately is only less than a mile away and has availability this late at night.

After saying goodbye to Mason, we go upstairs and silently enter the apartment. I first go check on Avery, who is laying horizontal on the bed and has covers everywhere but is sound asleep. I next check in on Jenna. She’s laying on her back, fully clothed and remnants of her mascara are caked down her cheeks from crying. Even asleep, she’s frowning and I pray she’s not going to have nightmares over what happened.

I stand there staring at her, wishing everything was different because I know this wouldn’t be happening if we were never separated all those years ago. Our relationship would’ve grown with my career, and she would know how to handle being with someone who’s in the public eye. I know we would’ve been married by now with more kids. A wave of sadness suddenly crashes over me as I mourn what could’ve been our life together had I not let her slip away and let others interfere. But here we are today and my entrance into her private world has brought her chaos and uncertainty. I need to figure out how to make things better.

Ioweit to her to make it better.

I look over her one last time with longing before exiting her room and shutting the door softly behind me. Having Mason here is the first step in making things right, but convincing Jenna is going to be a whole other story. She’s going to think I’m trying to control her every move by having a bodyguard, which is why I can’t tell her yet about Chase. If keeping Jenna safe is going to have her angry at me for a while, then so be it.
