Page 61 of The Shame Game

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He picked up her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. “Thanks. I think I’ll be all right. Jack was actually a big help.”

“Sadist to the rescue,” she quipped, pleased when he chuckled. “You should take whatever time you need to work through it. And if you don’t want to go there again—”

“Apparently, it wasn’t believable, anyway,” he said wryly, and smiled when she laughed. “But I’d like to do it again. I thought it was one of the hottest scenes we’ve ever done.”

“I did, too,” she admitted.

“And now that I know what the landmine is and where,” he continued, “I think I’ll be able to avoid it in the future. And Jack had some ideas about how we could keep the good parts of the scene without revisiting the bad.”

“Well, Jack is just all kinds of helpful these days, isn’t he?” She arched an eyebrow when he grinned. “And speaking of the scene, and things that should not be repeated…sloppy wet sock?”

He ran his tongue over his teeth, eyes dancing with humor. “That wasn’t hot?”

She snorted, delighted when he laughed. “You need some new material,” she told him. “That’s twice now that you’ve made reference to my pussy being ‘stretched out’ or ‘sloppy’, and not only is it physiologically inaccurate, but it smacks of toxic masculinity and misog—”

The words cut off when he kissed her, still laughing. “I wanted an excuse to put something in your ass,” he mumbled against her lips.

“Since when do you need an excuse?” she mumbled back, and nipped his lip. His low growl sent a thrill shivering through her, then he took the kiss deeper, sliding his tongue along hers and devouring her mouth so thoroughly that by the time he lifted his head, she was clinging to him.

He rested his forehead against hers. “Next time I won’t bother looking for one.”

“Okay,” she said with a dreamy sigh, and he laughed.

“So, all in all, how do you think our experiment went?”

“Hmmm.” She snuggled into him, not willing to let go yet. “I liked the puppy play, but more for fun than humiliation. The public play was hot, and definitely humiliating. More of that, please.”

“Okay.” His eyes danced with amusement. “What else?”

“I liked being your fuck toy, but the threats weren’t believable.” She shook her head in mock reproach. “You’ll have to do better there.”

He nodded seriously. “Good note, good note.”

She grinned, then sobered a little as she continued. “I think what makes something humiliating for me is when you’re distant and detached. And I like it, up to a point. But it would be easy for me to feel abandoned if we took it too far.”

He smoothed his hands up her back. “I think we have to find the sweet spot, that fine edge between not believable”—he smiled when she smothered a snort of laughter—“and too much. We can work on it.”

“And we’ll talk to each other if we’re feeling guilty, or if either one of us uncovers any more landmines?”

He had the grace to look chastised, though he spoiled it a bit by rolling his eyes. “Yes, dear.”

“Good.” She beamed up at him. “I love you, you know.”

“I know.” His gaze softened. “I love you, too.”

“Hmmm.” She pressed a kiss to his chest, then cuddled against him. “Are those steaks ready?”

He twisted to look at the clock on the stove. “They need to rest for a few minutes yet. Wanna make out?”

She beamed. “I thought you’d never ask.”

The steaks were cold by the time they got to them, but neither of them minded. They ate by firelight, feeding each other between kisses and sips of wine, then went upstairs to bed, leaving the mess for the morning. And when they finally settled down to sleep, tired and satiated, the last thing she heard him say before she drifted off to sleep was, “I love you, Mandy-girl.”

Her “I love you, too,” didn’t quite make it past her sleep-fuddled mind, but that was okay. He knew.
