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Silence followed Amelia's statement but Izzy had no comment. She stared outside the window, her coffee untouched in front of her.

"Pros and cons. He's wealthy."



"And a pro. I mean, it's great that he isn't scraping by like me, but thatreallymakes things one-sided here."

"He's handsome."

"Pro," she muttered, unable to deny the fact she found Everett mega-hot.

"He totally seems to like you or he would've just signed the divorce papers and been done with it already."

"He sees it as failure…and"—she lowered her voice even more—"I can't help but wonder if it's because I didn't sign a prenup since, you know, it was supposed to be fake."

"Honey, a man with that much money doesn't blink at what a court might award you, which probably wouldn't be much since you haven't even made it six months."

"I know, but—"

"You're scared."

Izzy swiped a knuckle beneath her eye and sniffed, blaming the cold seeping in from outside. "It's overwhelming. Like seriously overwhelming."

"Totally understandable. So just take it a day at a time. An hour at a time if you have to."

"It's not that easy. I feel so torn. Between Everett and home and my art andeverything."

"Have you talked to him about your feelings?"

"Considering they kinda came out of left field while sitting here, no."

Amelia's smile could be heard in her voice.

"Okay, think of it this way—where do you see yourself in a year? With Everett…or not?"

Her gaze locked on a man across the street. His size and build reminded her of Everett's, and Izzy trained her gaze on him until she couldn't see him any longer.

"Iz? Tick-tock. Gut reaction, come on. With…or without?"

Tessa left the ladies’room and reentered the hotel lobby to go back to the ballrooms. The entire conference area had been expanded for the Vegas-style fundraiser. The makeshift casino had tables and slot machines galore, and although the evening was almost over, it was time for the silent auction.

On behalf of her staff, she'd given away a full spa day with nothing excluded, and she couldn't wait to see the happy winner.

She moved through the open doorway, spotting Mary Elizabeth and Adam across the way at the blackjack table. Adaline and her husband were beside them, and all looked to be having a fun time.

Cheryl and her husband had just left to take Ms. Georgia home. The elderly woman had won several hundred dollars, which she had donated back to the toy drive for the local children.

"You look beautiful, Tessie."

She exhaled shakily before pasting on a smile and turning to face Bruce. Her ex-husband looked quite handsome in his suit and tie. "You cleaned up nice yourself."

He seemed surprised by the compliment. But not nearly as much as she was for giving it. Would the awkwardness ever go away?

"There you are. I've been looking all over for you."

Kirk dragged her close and pressed a kiss to her lips. She didn't even have time to react before it was over, but when she discreetly glanced at Bruce, he glared at Kirk. "I'm right here. Um, Bruce Ridgeway, this is Kirk DeLucca."
