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“Is that him?”Tessa asked, getting up to peer over the railing with her head turned in Bryson’s direction.

Oh, yes, it was, Mary Elizabeth thought.Her heart stopped in her chest, then picked up speed, just like it had the first time she’d seen him.The man was soDean-likein his appearance.

Tall and handsome.Dark haired.This man carried a bit more weight and muscle than Dean had at eighteen, but even the way Bryson moved reminded her of her long-lost love.

“Girl, did you ever hit the jackpot,” Tessa told Hadley.“He’s a cutie.”

“Yes, well, he’s notmyanything,” Hadley corrected.“I told him I’m not ready for… more.”

Tessa and Mary Elizabeth turned toward Hadley, and the younger woman’s face heated up like she’d spent the day in the sun.

“He asked you out?”Tessa asked.

“He…indicated that he might be interested in me but…” Hadley avoided their gazes.“All this is so new to me.Dating?My last first date was twenty-sevenyearsago.”

“Well, there is nothing as fun and exciting as a first date,” Tessa said.“You should reconsider.”

“Tess,” Mary Elizabeth chided.“Don’t rush her.She’ll know when she’s ready.”

“Exactly,” Hadley said.“And right now I’m not.I went from my parents’ home to a dorm with other girls to being married with kids—the last of whom just left for college, I might add.I’ve literally never been alone.”

“Well, with that cutie inside, you’re not now, either,” Tessa said.

“Humans and canines are not the same,” Hadley murmured.

Mary Elizabeth nodded in agreement.“No, they’re not.And I think it’s good that you know yourself well enough to know you need time.”

“Ladies,” a deep male voice said from nearby.

“Invite him to lunch,” Tessa ordered under her breath.“Before he leaves!”

Hadley shook her head at Tessa’s excited whisper but called out to Bryson and asked him to join them.

An invitation, Mary Elizabeth noted, that was quickly accepted by a man who couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of Hadley.

Tessa hurried to get him a plate and drink while Hadley and Mary Elizabeth welcomed him to the porch and made small talk.

“You’re working hard over there,” Tessa said.“And looking a little scruffy.”

“Tessa!”Hadley said, laughing and shaking her head.“Please don’t insult my guest.”

“Let me finish,” Tessa said, smiling and batting her eyes at Bryson.“I was just going to offer a hardworking man a free haircut.My salon is just a few blocks away.”

“Thanks, ma’am, but—”

“Iinsist.It’s the least I can do for you since you’ve helped Hadley out so much with the house.I simply won’t take no for an answer.”

Mary Elizabeth’s breath stalled in her lungs while she waited for Bryson’s response.

He glanced at Hadley, looking at bit embarrassed as he conceded.

“If you insist, I’d like that.I could use a good trim.Thanks.”

Mary Elizabeth released the breath she held and ignored Tessa’s triumphant wink, hoping, if Hadley saw it, she’d take it as Tessa’s happiness that her flirtatious gesture had been well received.

But getting Bryson to accept an invitation when put on the spot was one thing.Would he actually follow through and show up?

Hadleyand her aunts worked on painting the living room that afternoon, and by evening, when they’d gone, Hadley collapsed into an exhausted heap on the floor and stared, appreciating a job well done.
