Page 31 of Anywhere With You

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Liar.She wasn’t relaxed at all. Because she didn’t fear getting fired nearly as much as losing the intimacy they’d shared last night

Never getting to talk to him like that again.

Because it wasn’t one-sided. She hadn’t made it up.

You know how I know?

Because he wouldn’t have opened up to me the way he did. He felt it, too.

He didn’t want it. He might regret it. But he felt it.

When he didn’t answer, she turned around. For the first time since last night, they looked at each other, and it all came back. All the longing, the wild attraction…all of it.

His eyes told her everything. They gave her a panoramic view of his soul.

And she liked everything she saw.

She wanted to soothe the wounded bits—the loss of his father, the rough years they’d endured after he’d passed, the young boy who’d had to step into the shoes of a grown man. The kid bullied for being poor, for having a talent so much bigger than his age.

She wanted to kiss the sensitive bits, the ones that created his profound lyrics.

And she wanted to fuck the badass, tattooed man who ran Van Claybourne like a boss.

“Tour ends the day after tomorrow.” He talked to her like an assistant. “We’re good until then.” One he’d just met the day before yesterday.

She got it. In two days, they’d never see each other again, and he had to hope and pray she didn’t take all she’d learned to the press.

“Cool. I’ll head up to my bunk and get after the rest of the list.” Look at me, covering my sadness and discomfort with professionalism. When she really wanted to make a joke, break the tension, go back to the way they’d been last night.

“No need. You can work here. I’ll be in the lounge, and Scat’s not coming back until after the show. He’s got friends in Vegas, so you’ve got the rest of the bus to yourself.”

“Okay, great. Thank you.” She watched him grab a water bottle out of the refrigerator and head down the hallway.

With each step he took away from her, she felt the tug deep down, as though they were connected by a cord. Each second that passed amped her anxiety.

Don’t go.

She wanted to roll her eyes and say Oh, come on.This is stupid. Nothing happened.

We’re good.

She wanted to work at the table with him, throw out comments about the annoying publicist and the hilarious fan mail. She wanted to make him laugh.

God, she loved when he laughed. It was a rare and beautiful thing.

But he didn’t want it.

Obviously, since he’s going to lock himself in the lounge.

Her gut called out the lie. He did want to hang out with her. She knew it.

“Bex?” she called.

He hesitated before turning back to her.

“I’m sorry about last night.”

“Don’t be.” His tone was still brisk. “We were alone on a bus, and we shared more than we meant to.” He gave a terse nod. “We’re good.”
