Page 38 of Anywhere With You

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An attractive young woman wearing five tons of tulle invaded the lounge.

Thinking she might be a crazed fan, Della got up and stood between her and her boss. “Hey. How’s it going?” She moved slowly, hoping to edge the bride out of the room.

But the woman held her ground. “Who are you?”

“Mary-Therese, this is Della, my new assistant.” Bex cut her a look swimming in guilt. “Della, Mary-Therese, my…”

The woman seemed unfazed that he hadn’t chosen a word to describe her. “Well, in about an hour, I’m going to be his wife.”

Is this a joke?Della looked to her boss for confirmation. Not once had he mentioned a fiancée. For all the time they’d spent together, all the secrets they’d shared…it would’ve come up. It should have.

And then it slammed into her like hurricane-force winds. The reason he hadn’t kissed her.

He’s engaged.

To this woman…who hasn’t even hugged or kissed him.

A woman he’s never mentioned.

Mary-Therese turned her full attention on him. “Listen, I know it’s crazy, but you’re in Vegas tonight, and I just thought…why not? You’re always saying I never take charge. Well, here I am. I’ve arranged everything. I mean, Martin helped with the honeymoon, but I did the rest.” She glanced at the Minnie Mouse watch on her slender wrist. “What time is Van done with his show? He’s going to be our witness.” Her gaze popped up and landed on Della. “Actually, would you mind doing it? It won’t take long.”

Della wouldn’t let either of them see her devastation, so she slapped on a smile. “With what he’s paying me, I’ll do anything he asks.” She elbowed Bex. “Want me to be your Best Man?”

“No.” He sounded firm. “Mary, what’s going on? Why are you doing this?”

Oh, God, so it’s true. Some small part of her had hoped the woman had been a fan or an actress—anything other than the reality that the one and only man she’d ever felt something monumental for was taken.

For the first time, the pretty brunette looked nervous. “It’s been six years, Bex. Six years. What’re we doing? It’s time for us to take the next step. Don’t you think?”

Della needed to leave them alone. She quietly turned for the door.

“Wait. Don’t go anywhere, please.” Mary sounded a little frantic. “We have a reservation. Well, we have lots of them actually. The honeymoon suite, the flight tomorrow, the resort. Everything’s on a tight schedule, so we really do need to leave now.”

“Mary, no.” Bex’s authoritative tone had his girlfriend looking distraught. “We’re not getting married.”

“Okay, then, tell me what we’re doing? Where is this relationship going if not to marriage? I want to have kids.”

“We can talk about this when I get home.”

“But I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to be in this awful holding pattern. We never see each other.”

“You know my life.” It seemed like Bex wanted to sound exasperated, but she could tell he was freaked out. “It’s always been like this, so why do you want to get married now?”

Mary lifted a handful of tulle and stared at it for a long moment. “A home finally came on the market on Blossom Lane. I heard from the realtor yesterday, and I thought, This is it. We’ve been on the waiting list for five years, and it’s finally happened. But I’m not making an offer unless we’re married.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I did.” She grew animated. “I texted you. You never answered. Bex, everything we’ve dreamed about…a home, children…it starts with this house. I know you want this as much as I do.” She clasped her hands and brought them to her mouth, covering a brilliant smile. “Guess which house?”

“The one with the blue door.”

Mary’s expression went dreamy. “Yes. With the garden and little white fence. It’s ours.”

The fight, the certainty, drained out of him. His expression made it look like he was standing in front of the house, the sun shining down on him, cherry blossoms dancing in a breeze. It was filled with such longing that Della’s heart hurt for him.

But then, he hardened. “We can make an offer, but I don’t want a quickie wedding in Vegas. When I get married, I want my family there.”

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