Page 44 of Anywhere With You

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“I want a home, too. I want to wake up, scratch my balls, drink coffee, and stare out into the forest. I need time alone to think. I can’t be creative when I’m in constant motion, always surrounded by people. I need to hike and breathe mountain air. And I need…”

“You need what? Talk to me. I’m listening.”

“Nothing. This isn’t about me. This is about you, and the colossal mistake I don’t want you to make.”

“No, don’t brush it off like that. What do you need? Tell me.”

“I wouldn’t mind finding someone like Della, and that’s not going to happen with this life.”

“You’re into Della?” Bex sounded like his head might blow right off his body.

“What? No. I wish I were. She’s perfect. She’s fuck-hot—”

“Don’t talk about her like that. She’s so much more than her looks.”

Van went quiet. She strained to hear more but could only him quietly chuckling. And then, he said, “You’ve just made my point for me. She’s beautiful, she challenges you, she’s independent, and you two connect on a deep, personal level. She’s perfect for you. But, no, I don’t want her that way. But I do want to wake up next to one woman. The woman who gets me. Who knows all of me and still loves me. I need…I need more.”

“What’re you saying?”

“I’m done, man. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to do it.”

“We can’t just walk away. We’ve got one more record with the label. We’ve got a European tour starting in September.”

“If, after everything I just said, you tell me I have to honor our contract, that I have to tour another album, then I’ll do it.” Van sounded dull, flat. Deeply disappointed. “But I’m going to hate every minute of it.”

More silence. Every muscle in her body tightened, her senses on high alert.

It seemed impossible that Van Claybourne might end in this moment. She had no idea how Bex would answer, but she knew it would have a permanent impact on his relationship with his twin.

Finally, Bex said, “I love you, man. You’re the most important person in the world to me, and I need you to be happy. So, if you’re done…then it’s over.”

The strangest feeling came over her. Pride that Bex had made the right decision for his brother, but also shock that Van Claybourne had just ended.

And fear.

That she’d somehow caused the breakup of one of the greatest bands in the history of rock ‘n roll.

Della was so screwed.

The minute the brothers had gone into the lounge to have a heart-to-heart, she’d taken advantage of the opportunity to dash off the bus. She couldn’t invade their privacy one more second.

But in her haste, she’d left her purse and luggage in her bunk.

Now, she was stuck wandering through a casino, anxious because she needed a wallet to pay for a room, food…a freaking toothbrush.

Worse, if the band had truly broken up, her job was over.

I’ll never see Bex again.

Surrounded by flashing lights and the dings and bells of slot machines, she couldn’t stop worrying about him. He had to be hurting. He had to be confused. He needed to talk to someone.

But that someone isn’t me since I’m the source of all his troubles.

Am I, though?

She hadn’t done anything wrong. She’d never flirted with him—

Hey, even if I had, I didn’t know he had a girlfriend.

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