Page 48 of Anywhere With You

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She refused to sink into the pit of despair. She just wouldn’t let herself do that.

One, Bex respected her enough to protect her from a world of hurt.

Two, she was stranded in Las Vegas and needed to keep her wits about her and come up with a solution.

And three—the biggest one of all—Bex yearned for her.

Maybe one day the timing would be right, and they could be together.

Sitting on the ledge of a fountain on the strip, the breeze spraying mist onto her heated skin, she considered her options. Without her wallet, she couldn’t get a hotel room or book a flight home.

She needed to borrow money from someone. Dad? Micky? It was one in the morning. Her dad would flip out if she called and told him she was alone in Vegas with no wallet.

Micky, it is.

At that exact moment, her phone vibrated.

Bex: Where are you?

She shouldn’t feel so relieved to see his name. But even if he wasn’t in the right place to be with her, she still missed him. Wanted him.

Della: At the Bellagio

Her phone rang but before she could speak, Bex said, “What are you doing at the Bellagio? I’ve been going out of my mind. You left your purse here.”

“Yes, I know that. But what did you want me to do? The bus has been therapy central for you and Van and your bride.”

“Therapy…what?” He blew out a breath. “She’s not my bride. We’re not…you know we’re not getting married. Della, are you all right? I’ve been worried sick.”

“No, I’m not all right. I’m stranded in Las Vegas.”

“Then, come back to the bus. Nobody’s here but me.”

“Look, I’ve already packed, so if you could leave my luggage outside, I’ll grab a cab and pick it up on my way to the airport.”

“Airport? Where are you going?”

“What do you mean, where am I going? The band broke up. I’m going home.”

“I don’t want you to go home.”

“Well, I’m not sure what you want me to do with that. Are you saying that as my boss, and you need me to stay until the tour ends? Or are you saying that as my friend?”

“The tour isn’t over yet. There are two more days.”

Disappointment slammed her so hard it left her gasping for air. “Bex, I think you know I have feelings for you. I can’t go back to being your assistant, and I need a job. I need to start my future. And since you don’t want me to be your rebound, then I guess my future isn’t with you.”

“You heard my conversation with Mary.”

“Yes. I came back to the bus to get my luggage, and you guys were talking. Now, please, just leave my suitcase outside the bus.” She took a shaky breath. “Goodbye, Bex.” She disconnected.

She’d never felt so lost and alone in her life.

Not one second later, her phone buzzed.

Bex: Stay where you are. I’m coming with your purse and your luggage.
