Page 50 of Anywhere With You

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A wedding ring.

Plain as day, a platinum and diamond ring glittered on her finger.

Shock ripped through her.

Who the hell did I marry?

Without even thinking, she called Micky. As the phone rang, she stepped into the shower stall and closed the door.

“Hey, girl. What’s up?” Her friend sounded cheerful.

Of course, Micky was living the dream. She had her ideal job running events for a magical ski resort, she’d found the love of her life, was having a baby with him, and they were building their first home together.

Even though it had started with a pregnancy after her first hookup, it had turned out all right.

Della had to remember that. Eventually, her life would turn out all right, too.

Closing her eyes, she pressed her forehead against the cool tile wall. “I’m married.”

“You’re what? What’re you talking about?”

“I don’t have a single clue how I wound up like this. I was just going home to start a business…and now…” She couldn’t talk about what happened with the band or Bex, and that sucked. She had to keep it to herself. “Now, it seems I got black-out drunk in Vegas and woke up with a wedding ring and a strange man next to me.”

“Wait a minute. Back up. What happened last night? Who’d you go out with?”

“I don’t remember.” She whispered it, but the sound was rough as gravel.

“Sweetie, I’m here for you. No matter what’s happened, we can fix this, but let’s try and fill in the blanks. What’s the last thing you remember?”

And again, she was limited in what she could share. “My job ended last night.”

“In Vegas? I thought the tour finishes in LA?”

“They don’t need me anymore.”

“Did something happen?”

The weight of secrets made her bones ache. “Well, they live in LA, so they only needed me on the road.”

“Got it. Okay, so you’re in Vegas. Did you go out with the crew?”

“The last thing I remember is arranging for someone to bring me my luggage.” Bex. “I was going to catch a flight home in the morning.” I would’ve been on an airplane headed home if I hadn’t gotten drunk with someone.

Did I wait for Bex?

Did he bring my luggage?

Had she married him?

A tiny thrill shot through her at the idea she’d married the guy whose posters she’d hung on her bedroom walls.

“Well, looking at your Splashagram page, I can see you were at the Bellagio hotel last night at one in the morning. I can’t see if you’re with anyone because it’s a video of the fountain.”

“I was alone then.” Did Bex bring me my luggage? Or did he get a roadie to do it? “Unfortunately, I can’t give you a lot of details.”

“Right. NDA. Give me what you can. Let’s work with what we’ve got.”

She loved her friend. Micky was the best person in the world. “I don’t know how I got so lucky with you.”
