Page 56 of Anywhere With You

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The fucker had brought up the non-disclosure agreement.

That had been the last straw. She’d thrown the ring at him, grabbed her purse, and stormed out.

Not only didn’t he trust her, but he cared more about his band’s reputation than her. He didn’t ask how she was or even try to remember what had gone down last night.

He didn’t hold me and tell me we’re in this together.

Which was all she’d really wanted in that moment.

Now that she’d left the room and had some distance, she could see he’d looked pretty shellshocked and extremely hungover, so she wasn’t sure his brain had been firing on all cylinders.

“Okay, I’m going to offer you two options,” Martin said. “The choice is entirely yours.”

“I’m listening.”

“Either way, you’ll meet the driver out front at eleven AM, and he’ll take you to the airport.”

Disappointment rained down on her in hard, cold pellets.

This is real.

It’s over.

I’m going home.

That beautiful fantasy of meeting Van Claybourne and discovering they were soulmates had gotten her through the hardest times of her life. It was the light at the end of the tunnel that kept her moving toward a promise of true fulfillment.

And now it was over.

“And then you’ll either tell the pilot you’re going to Arizona or…to the Maldives where you’ll spend an all-expenses paid week in an overwater bungalow.”

“What? Why would you do that?”

“The wedding’s called off, but the honeymoon’s still booked.”

“I’m not going on Bex’s honeymoon.”

“It’s all paid for. Why not? You’ve just spent six months cleaning hotel rooms and three days working your ass off for the band. Why not take a free vacation?”

Yeah, Della. Why not?“Because it’s not right. Mary-Therese is devastated. Her life just blew up. I can’t take her honeymoon.”

“Mary’s upset because she doesn’t like change, not that she broke up with Bex.”

“What does any of this matter if the guys are done?”

“They’re not done.”

“Martin, you weren’t there. Van was dead serious. It’s over.”

“You know how many times the bands I work with break up? My job title should be therapist, not manager. Trust me, they’ll take a break, and they’ll be back. In the meantime, we’re not going to lose the best assistant we’ve ever had. Take the trip. By the time you get back, we’ll have a plan to move forward.”

“I don’t know.” She’d slept with Bex—I think…I mean, we were both naked. She’d married him—how did she go back from that? “Are you sure?”

Then again, since neither of us remembers anything, how bad can it be?

“I wouldn’t have suggested it if I weren’t. Look, Van’s got to finish out the tour, and you can either sip fruity cocktails on a chaise lounge a couple yards from the ocean or start apartment hunting in Bixby, Arizona.”

“You make a good point.”

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