Page 75 of Anywhere With You

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But her friend was wrong. While she was desperate to be with Bex—she missed him like a piece of her heart had been ripped out—she didn’t want to be in New York. She didn’t want to hide with him.

She was so ready to live her life out loud.

Once Micky pulled away from the curb, she patted Della’s knee. “How are you really?”

“I’m sad. I did a really stupid thing, and I’m paying a big price for it.”

“So, tell him.”

“There’s nothing to tell. I should’ve handled the situation differently. Instead of giving him an ultimatum, I should’ve given him time.” He’d just experienced the same kind of bullying as he had in high school. Of course, he’d scampered back into his cave. “But I don’t want the kind of relationship he had with his ex.”

“No, you should never settle. You deserve everything you want in life.”

“Right? He’ll be in the studio for the better part of a year. Then, he’s going on a farewell tour that’ll take him around the globe. And I’m not going to sit on the bus and make sure Van has his herbal tea. I’m not going to put off my life any longer.”

“I hate that you’re going through this, but I couldn’t be happier that you’ve decided to apply to school here.”

“Yeah. I have a meeting with Professor Holloway next Monday.” Della had looked into PhD. programs across the country, but when she’d learned the University of Western Wyoming was known for its Arts and Literature program, and that they had a poet laureate, she’d been sold. “I wish I could find my notebook, though. She asked for some sample poems, and I don’t want to give her old stuff.”

“You know you had it in your purse at the resort, so you either left it in the hotel room or on the plane.”

“Martin’s checked everywhere, and no one’s turned it in.”

“Well, it’s been what, a week since you left the island? I’m going to bet you’ve filled a whole new notebook.”

Della grinned. “Not quite.”

Instead of heading toward the mountains where Micky lived, her friend turned onto Main Street.

“Where are we going?”

“We’re meeting Rhys for dinner. Is that okay?”

After the mental trauma of the last week and traveling all day, Della wanted nothing more than to crash. But she could make it through another hour or so.

Micky parked in front of Wild Billy’s.

“Well, I know you’re not riding the mechanical bull in this condition, so why are we here?” Calamity had tons of great restaurants. Her friend wouldn’t normally choose a rowdy cowboy bar.

“I’ve been craving a big, juicy burger all day.”

Della laughed. “Well, that beats pickles and ice cream in my book.” They got out of the car and headed inside. “I guess we’re early.” It wasn’t nearly as crowded as normal.

They made their way across the restaurant to a table right by the stage.

Rhys got up and reached for her. “Great to see you, Della.” Tall, clean-cut, and well-built, her friend’s fiancé radiated confidence and power. He came off as a man who knew his place in the world, yet he had his story, too. He’d floundered for years—until an unexpected pregnancy had turned him into a single father.

Della had to remember that. Not everyone took a linear path in life.

So what if I’m twenty-six and only now finding mine?

“Nice to see you, too.”

He pulled out her chair and waited until she settled to sit back down.

“I suppose if someone had to knock up my friend, I’m glad it’s you.”

He stuttered out a laugh. “I’m glad it’s me, too.” He looked across the table to Micky with a look filled with adoration. “I got the girl.”
