Page 101 of Empire of Ash

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“Close your eyes.”

I swallow, throbbing everywhere as he sets me down. I honestly have no idea where in the huge house we are—for one, because it’s my first day ever even being here. And for two, because I spent the last five minutes moaning into his mouth as he carried me through the gilded halls.


“Close your eyes, Ella,” he murmurs against my lips.

A shiver teases through me. I nod, slowly shutting my eyelids.

“And keep them like that.”

My pulse thuds in my chest as I hear him open a set of double doors. One of his hands takes mine. The other goes to the small of my back, guiding me into the room. A few steps in, he stops.

“Keep them closed.”

I nod, trembling as I feel him leave my side. But a moment later, he’s back, right behind me. I shiver at the feel of his heat—of his warm breath teasing the back of my neck. Something silky drapes across my eyes, startling me. But I keep them closed as he slowly tightens the blindfold, tying it at the back of my head.

I tremble as his hands skim down my arms, sliding to my hips. He pulls me against him as his mouth grazes my ear.

“Do you trust me?”

The words ignite something inside of me. They electrify me, making my legs quiver as the heat pools instantly between them.


The answer comes unbidden to my mind. It doesn’t need to be thought about or mulled over. I don’t need to tiptoe around it.

I used to think of the man currently blindfolding me and caressing me as a monster. I once tried to kill him, in a way.

Now he’s my husband.

Now the very thought of his touch sends shivers down my spine.

Now, I trust him implicitly.

“Yes,” I choke softly.

“Good girl.”

My pulse thuds, my skin prickling electrically as his fingers move to the zipper at the nape of my neck. He tugs it down, letting the dress fall from my shoulders. It pools at my feet, and I tremble, squirming under his gaze even if I can only feel it.

My bra comes next, deftly opened before thick fingers ease the straps from my shoulders. The backs of his hands brush the sides of my breasts, sending goosebumps across my skin as my nipples tighten. When he moves against me to let his lips brush the nape of my neck, I can feel that he’s shirtless when his hot skin and muscles press to my bare back.

Those same hands slide down my ribs, teasing over my hips to slide into my panties. I whimper at the feel of his breath across my ass and the backs of my thighs as he slips them down and then off of my legs.

He takes my hands, my breath coming quickly in the warmth of the room. I let him lead me across the hardwood floor, until we come to a stop.

“Give me this hand.”

I swallow as he takes it, extending my arm to one side and wrapping my fingers around a polished wooden pole of some kind.

A bedpost.

The fact that we’re in a bedroom somehow makes me throb even more. As if it confirms what I knew was going to happen here is most certainly going to happen.

He’s going to take me. And he’s going to have me unlike any woman he’s ever had before. And that should probably scare me, not electrify me. It should make me nervous.
