Page 141 of Empire of Ash

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Streetlights flickeracross my face through the tinted windows of the Bentley. Outside, London dances past us, witness to the grin plastered across my face.

Beside me, he squeezes my hand, and my pulse simmers at the feel of his breath against my neck.

“We’ll be there soon.”

I smile, turning to let my eyes lock with his.

Three little words change things. They raise the stakes and take away the safety net. Three words make this very, very real. And that terrifies me about as much as it thrills me.

I swallow, losing myself in his gaze as the same streetlights glimmer over his gorgeous face. But before I can allow myself to float off to fantasy, I’m reminded of the lingering little thread of doubt I’ve been picking at since I said what I said in the bathroom.


I said it first. It may have spilled out accidentally, with a mind of its own. But I did say it first. Andthenhe said it.

And I’ve been playing a horrible, insidious little game of “did he say it because he meant it or did he say it because he felt like he needed to” ever since.

“Ella,” he growls, snapping me out of my thought trail.


His eyes hood, piercing me.

“Have you once known me to say things I don’t fully mean?”

I blush, simmering under that powerful gaze—the one that seems to be able to pierce right into my head and see my thoughts.

“No,” I whisper.

“Exactly. So stop torturing yourself.”

He turns to face forward again. My lips purse.

“Fine, I won’t,” I humph, turning to glare out the window.

“Because I do.”

I gasp at his words teasing right against my ear. My face flushes as I turn, barely catching a breath before he kisses me, deeply.


I shiver, opening my mouth for his demanding, conquering tongue. His hand slides into my hair, gripping it in a fist as I moan softly. Noel’s other hand falls to my thigh, making me shiver as he slowly pushes my business dress up.

I groan, trembling as his fingers creep slowly up my thigh. They drag over the edge of my panties, eliciting a whimper from my lips. One thick finger moves slowly up my seam through the lace, slowing to a roll over my clit.

“These actually need to be off for this meeting.”

I shiver, gasping softly as his finger slips under the lace. His knuckles drag over my slickness as he grabs hold of the thong at the gusset and starts to tug. The panties peel away from my sex, slipping off my hips and ass as I raise them, letting him pull them down my leg. He slips them off of my heels, and I stare, my face red, as he slips them into the pocket of his suit jacket.

His eyes slide to me, igniting and devouring. My face flushes as my legs begin to close.

“Don’t even think about it.”

My pulse thuds at his commanding tone. At the way his hand lands on my thigh and pulls it open again. It slides back up, pushing my dress with it until I cry out as his thumb drags through my bare lips.

He groans, rubbing my clit in maddeningly slow circles. He eases two fingers against my opening, and my mouth falls open in a silent whine of pleasure as he sinks them into me. He strokes against my g-spot, beckoning inside of me as he rubs my clit.
