Page 145 of Empire of Ash

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Lewis nods.

“Motion carries. I’ll begin paperwork to bring Naomi up as more of a conservator role on her trust. And if there’s nothing else, I believe we’re done.”

He smiles at Noel.

“And congratulations, Mr. Ransom. The board is all yours.”

The rest of the shareholders stand, clapping. Kenneth pops a bottle of champagne, while Lewis grabs the tray of crystal tumblers from the bar cart in the corner. Bubbly is passed around, congratulations are clapped on backs and shaken in hands.

I’m grinning at Noel, genuinely happy for him, when Lewis approaches. He extends a hand, grinning at me, and I shake it gladly.

“I’ve been meaning to tell you congratulations on beating the system, Mrs. Ransom.”

I smirk.

“Now Lewis, why do I get the impression that that wasn’t entirely Maggie’s doing?”

He grins.

“I’m just glad you’re free of that.”

“Thank you, Lewis.”

“Of course,” he smiles. But then it fades.

“The bit with including Naomi more in her trust…” He furrows his brow. “I was under the impression that the two of you weren’t exactly close?”

“She believes it’ll get my stepdaughter to do something besides spending money on clothes and nightclubs,” Noel growls, butting in.

He arches a brow, turning his gaze to stab into me.

“Spoiler: it won’t.”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, it will.”

Lewis nods.

“I actually might be inclined to agree with you, Ella. Putting fiduciary responsibility of their own finances into people’s hands has been proven to have a dramatic effect on—”

He swallows, glancing at Noel.

“Well, I should be going. Congratulations again, Noel.”

“Thank you, Lewis.”

The attorney leaves, followed soon after by George. Amanda is next, shaking my hand and also congratulating me on my triumph over the legal system. Kenneth lingers for another glass of champagne. But when he finally bids his goodnight and walks out, Noel stays where he is.

“Well, should we—”

He touches the intercom on the table.

“George,” he growls to the head of security down in the lobby.

“Yes sir, Mr. Ransom?”

“Please lock down the top floor. No one gets up. I have a meeting.”

“You got it, Mr. Ransom.”
