Page 83 of Empire of Ash

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I stare at her.


“You’re well aware that open flame in the dorms is strictly—”

“Do you seriously thinkIof all people would be lighting fucking—”

“Mind. Your. Tongue, young lady!” She screams, shaking me.

She sighs. “Ella, everyone here has pasts they aren’t proud of or don’t like to think about.” Her smile curls. “That’s why you’re allhere. Now, another stunt like this, and I’m writing you up. Is that clear?”

I glare at her, seething.

“Yes, ma’amwill suffice, Ella.”

I swallow thickly.

Pride and stubbornness don’t go down easy.

“Sorry, ma’am,” I say flatly.

She sniffs.

“Now, clean this up, immediately.”

She whirls, storming out of the room and back down the hall. Muttering to myself and still bubbling with confusion and anger, I start to clean up. I soak the foam spray up with towels and using a broom and an old school binder to scrap the candles off the ground and my desk to throw away.

Everyone here has pasts they aren’t proud of or don’t like to think about That’s why you’re all here.

She’s only half right. Idohave a past I don’t like to think about. But that’s not why I’m here.

I’m here because ofhim.

“You missed a spot.”

I stiffen, turning. Janelle is back in my doorway, grinning at me.

“Don’t skimp on the cleaning,Cinder Ella.”

My eyes narrow.

“Oh, what are you gonna do, Cindy. Dust me up good? Hit me with a glass slipper?” She sneers.

If I had one, I would. But I do have a broom handle.

Getting written up sucks. The month of detention is bad. Pulling cleaning duty in the kitchens after dinner time is brutal.

But watching Janelle scream and hold her bloody, broken nose? Seeing the bully melt into a coward right in front of me?

Totally worth it.


“And you’re really feeling okay?”

I smile, nodding as I pull away from Julianna’s embrace.

“I’m fine, really.”
