Page 92 of Empire of Ash

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But also, because now, I’m no longer interested in making this a quick kill. When I finally crush Oliver beneath my heel, it will be after I’ve strippedeverythingfrom him.

“You know what happened to us,” I growl.

“I know what youthinkhappened to—”

I’m snarling and preparing to break my vow not to break his face through the tenth story window, when the door slams in. I whirl, frowning in confusion as I see not just a man I recognize as Oliver’s head of security, but Liam as well.

“What exactly is going—”

I grit my teeth as Liam shoves me to the wall, putting his back to me as he draws a weapon. Two more of Oliver’s men rush in and drop to the floor with flashlights, looking under the bed. His head of security—a man named Kenneth, I believe—ducks into the en-suite bathroom, gun drawn.

“All clear,” Kenneth grunts, ducking back out of the bathroom and nodding to his men. They nod back, darting out of the room.

“Liam,” I hiss, shoving him away from me. “Explain to me what the fuck is going on here.”

He swallows, turning to level his eyes at me.

“Boss, we need to get you out of London, immediately.”

My brow deepens. Liam’s mouth thins.

“A number of incendiary devices have been found at both your and Mr. Prince’s homes, both of your offices, and under a few of your cars.”

My face drains of color.

“She’s fine, boss,” Liam growls quietly. “I’ve got her safe, with trusted men.”

“Jacob—” Oliver chokes.

“We found a bomb at his townhouse, sir,” Kenneth grunts, turning to eye me. “But he’s good. We’re moving him to a safe, cleared location now. I’m taking you there as well myself.”

“Had one of my guys check out The Slipper, too,” Liam mutters under his breath at me. “Found one out the back in the alley.”


His eyes narrow.

“Someone appears to be declaring war on you.”

My gaze slides past his shoulder, narrowing at Prince. Oliver glares right back at me, his mouth thin, eyes hard.


“Let’s go.”

Liam and I storm out of the room and down the hall to the elevators. It’s not until we’re outside that I stop him.

“Have a team clear the Montpellier house.”

He bites back his own smugness.

“I had a hunch you’d pick there, so it’s already being taken care of. Ella’s at the airport now with my men, where we need to get you.”

“Thank you,” I growl.

He nods.

“And Liam?”
