Page 33 of The Power of Fate

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The sounds she’s making are almost as delicious as the taste of her release. I slow the pace of my tongue, wanting to leave some of this orgasm intact so my entry is less painful. I don’t want her to focus on any potential discomfort, only the fullness I know she craves. My beautiful wife doesn’t realize her next climax will far exceed this one.

I glance up from my position to gaze across the softness of her abdomen to the abundant mounds of her breasts; hard nipples raised high.Dear God! She is magnificent with her head thrown back as she calls my name, her beautiful throat exposed and begging to be marked.

I flatten my tongue and slowly lick up the full length of her, ending with a delicate flutter on her swollen clit. I am rewarded with the throaty sound of another moan, its vibration music to my ears. She lifts her hips when I stop, an involuntary display of her natural desire and sensuality. Tonight, is an exercise in self-control, as my own desire has me wanting to drive into her hard and fast as I devour her screams through my kiss.

“Ella,” I breathe as I lick my way up her body. “Are ye ready? I want to be sure that ye are—that yer ready for me to truly make ye my wife.” I finish by taking her erect nipple between my teeth and sucking it up into my mouth, where my tongue massages its tip.

“Alasdair! Please…please…I need more! My God, I need more!” she begs as her hips press up against me.

I release her nipple and taste her neck, selfishly marking her, though low enough to remain hidden from society, driving her closer to the edge before fully taking her mouth in an all-consuming kiss that borders on violent.

My hardness presses against her entrance, and she pushes toward me again.

“Ye are mine now, Ella,” I say against her mouth as I enter her in one fantastic thrust that blurs my vision and ignites both familiar and unfamiliar feelings of possession and belonging and a need to protect I didn’t know existed within my selfish soul. I thrust hard again as I hear her scream my name. I know I should be more careful; I felt the tension of her maidenhead break and wonder how painful it had been. But I swear she is about to climax, so I continue driving into her as she wraps herself around me, legs held tightly around my waist, arms locked as she scratches my skin and pulls my hair.

“Alasdair! Oh God! Alasdair!”

She’s up on one elbow now, the other locked around my neck bringing her back up off the bed as she pushes her hips toward my pounding thrusts. She’s cumming hard around me, kissing me with such hunger and ferocity that it reaches down like warm, sensuous tentacles, wrapping around my heart.

An intense flash of light overtakes my vision.

I am suddenly thrust into the forest. The damp coolness in the air is heavy on my skin, infused with the green scent of nature. I can hear my footsteps along the path on which I am walking. I am looking for someone—someone special. Through the sounds of shifting leaves, distant birdsong, and the crunching of gravel and debris beneath my feet, I hear singing floating toward me on the breeze. It’s her! I pick up my pace and run toward the sound. When I exit the shade of the forest canopy, the sun is shining brightly along the shoreline, and I squint my eyes in the sudden light. The singing is clearer now, and I can see her, beautiful even from this distance, pale blonde hair sparkling in the light. She is sitting by the water’s edge, washing something in a methodical, almost rhythmic fashion. As I get closer, her beautiful song surrounds me, her voice angelic in its perfect pitch, ethereal in its unique tone. I pause to watch her for a moment and realize she is washing in time with her music. At closer inspection, I see it is a long piece of fabric, freshly dyed dark blue—she is rinsing it clean as it changes the surrounding water to an unusual shade of dark green. I take a few steps closer, wanting to see her face. I’ve caught her attention, and she stops singing, turning toward me. My heart stops as I gaze at her. It’s the same stunning beauty of my wife, but different somehow. Her face lights up with a smile that stops time, and she says, “Well, hello again!”

Another flash…and I am back with Ella, driving hard into her as she throws her head back in ecstasy. I pull her to me as my orgasm explodes inside her, growling out her name and latching onto her neck as an indescribable feeling comes over me. It is primal, animalistic as if the strength of an ancient god has possessed my soul.

As my climax ebbs to a slow pulse, gooseflesh raises the hairs on my arms, creeping its way up my back and neck. This was no ordinary coupling, no simple consummation. This was the reuniting of two souls whose eternal destiny will not be denied. The power of fate has proven itself to be almighty. I have a sudden and profound urge to tell her that I love her, but my conscious mind says it is too soon.

“Ella.” The sharp exhale lifts the hair next to her temple. “Are ye alright?” She is limp in my arms, eyes closed, but the corner of her mouth lifts, speaking a thousand unspoken words. I rest my lips against the subtle smile and say, “I’ll take that as a yes.” Her full mouth stretches wide beneath mine before I roll onto my back, taking her with me. That glorious smile is now beaming down at me, a curtain of shimmering hair tickling my chest as she straddles my waist.

“You can most assuredly take that as a yes, Alasdair.” Her smile disappears as she gazes upon me with something new in her eyes. It tightens my chest, and I’m suddenly desperate to know what she is thinking. “I had no idea…no idea it could be like that. It felt…” Her eyes turn away in shyness.

“Tell me, Ella. I want to hear ye say it. I want to know if I pleased ye as well as I had hoped to.”

“Everything felt so good. Even looking at you made my insides tingle.” Her fingers dig into my skin, just slightly. “But the building of pressure—it was almost unbearable at times.” She pauses to run her fingers through the hair on my chest. “But then, when it finally came to the surface, it literally exploded with a pulsating sensation that made me feel like…like I was coming undone, but with pleasure and not pain.”

I can feel myself getting hard again. Bloody hell, that was a fantastic description. “Aye. ’Tis exactly what I want to hear. And yer eloquence adds to it quite nicely.” I can’t resist raising my hips to press my stiffening shaft against her round arse.

“Oh!” she exclaims through a shy giggle. “Are we to do it again?”

Reaching up to caress the soft skin of her cheek, my hand glides into her golden tresses. I wrap it around, tugging ever so gently. “Aye, we are…and frequently, but not just yet. Come lie against me, lass. Ye need to rest, and I canna’ express how badly I’ve wanted to simply have ye naked in my arms.”

A deep moan escapes as she tucks herself next to me, her head on my chest, one leg draped over mine as if she’d done it a thousand times before. “Can I tell you something?” Her breath is warm across my skin.

“Of course. Ye always have a voice wi’ me, Ella.” I want to know every thought in her magnificent mind. I can’t imagine snuffing out such brilliance, such curiosity. I swear every word she speaks inspires me to write, to create, to memorialize everything about her into something tangible that will stand the test of time and pique the imagination of the fortunate souls that read my prose many generations into the future.

Her hand is roaming the terrain of my abdomen and chest. Every so often, her fingers stop to swirl through the thick hair above my cock, the simple, innocent motion making my breath halt in my throat. “I’ve wanted this, too. To lie like this, touching your beautiful body without so many layers between us. Skin to skin, the scent of you surrounding me.” She pauses then to shift so that her chin rests atop her hands as they lay flat over my tight nipple. She’s disheveled in the most beguiling way as she continues, “Do you realize how good you smell? It’s been somewhat maddening to me since first we met. It’s quite distracting, I’ll have you know.”

My God, how will I ever get enough of her? I’m suddenly at a loss for words as my mind conjures up all the ways I can devour her; her kisses, her skin, her wetness, the air she breathes. “Ella, there is nothing that compares to the hypnotic scent that follows ye everywhere ye go, yet after tonight, after I have smelled and tasted yer sweet cunny, I know fer certain we were made fer each other.” With that declaration, her expression shifts from playful to yearning as her leg comes further up and over mine. “Did ye just press yerself against me, my little faerie bride?”

“Yes.” Her reply is a heavy whisper. Then she does it again.

“Ye like what I said, don’t ye, Ella?” I dropped the tenor of my voice to test how well its command will be received. Will she become aroused or defensive? The darkening of her eyes confirms my suspicions. My bride is going to enjoy learning the art of letting go, of allowing me to control her pleasure so that I can bring forth its full potential.

“Yes.” Her right hand moves to continue its perusal.

“Ye want me to say things that aren’t proper. Ye like it when I talk dirty.” It wasn’t a question. But she answers anyway.
