Page 22 of MissBEHAVED

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Chapter Eleven


The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them, and from the look on Dixon’s face, it was the last thing he expected me to say. That was confirmed by his next words.

“Are you sure, Mellie?” His tone was hard to read, but one thing it definitely wasn’t, was interested.

“I mean, if you don’t want to, of course you don’t have to.” I stumbled over my words, trying to backtrack. “Just forget I said anything.”

Embarrassment flooded me and I felt my face burn even hotter than my ass had earlier. How could I have misread things? He obviously didn’t want to sleep with me, at least not yet, despite the hard on I’d felt while over his lap.

“Hey, hey. I didn’t say I didn’t want to stay over.” His words reeled me back from the brink, but I still couldn’t meet his eyes. Instead, I grabbed a piece of bread and slathered it with butter, making sure to thoroughly cover it from edge to edge while he continued. “I would love to spend the night. I just want to make sure you’re ready. We’ve already moved at warp speed, so if you want to wait to have sex, I understand.” He paused. “Or maybe you just want to sleep together and not have sex, and I’m the one who’s sticking his foot in his mouth right now.”

I looked up and found him with the same expression of nervousness I was pretty sure I wore.

“No, I meant sex, Dixon.” It felt awkward to admit that, but dancing around the topic wasn’t getting us anywhere, either. “Maybe it’s too soon, but I just feel like it’s right for us. And all this talk of spanking and punishments gets me kind of… hot.”

He let out a breath and shook his head with a smile.

“I’m glad you’re brave enough to admit that. I feel the same way. None of this is how I planned it, but it feels like this is where we should be. If you’re ready, then I would love to spend the night.”

My heart sped up and my belly flipped at his response. I’d been using fantasies of Dixon to fuel my nightly self-love time and, from the heated look he was giving me, I had no doubt the real thing would surpass whatever my imagination created.

“Why don’t we clear the table and watch a movie?” I suggested, not wanting to appear too eager even though I wouldn’t mind heading straight to the bedroom. It would probably be best to let our food digest, anyway.

“That sounds good to me.” He stood and collected the plates and silverware, never taking his eyes off me. I felt his gaze as it wandered my body when I rose and grabbed the bread and butter.

We worked in heated silence to clean the kitchen, the air between us crackling with tension made even more potent by the occasional brushing of our bodies. Every time I looked at him, I found him staring, which made me blush and look away. I was torn between feeling like a giggling virgin and wanting to throw myself at him and tell him to carry me upstairs.

“What kind of movie do you want to watch?” I asked after the dishwasher was loaded and all the pots and pans were put away. “I have all the streaming channels so there’s lots to choose from.”

“Something funny would be good,” he suggested. “I think we need to lighten the mood before we both explode.”

His voice deepened at the end, becoming rough and giving me a taste of what he might sound like while moving inside me. Any desire to slow things down left as my imagination ran wild and making those thoughts become a reality became my focus.

“On second thought,” I said, glancing at the clock. “I think I’m tired. It isn’t too early to call it a night.” He looked disappointed for a second, then perked up when I continued. “I like to take a bath before I go to bed. I don’t know if you noticed on the tour the other day, but I have a nice, big soaking tub. Plenty of room for both of us.”

“I did notice your tub, and while I haven’t taken a bath in years, I think it might be just the thing I need tonight,” he agreed then contradicted his words by heading toward the coatroom. “I have my gym bag in the truck with clean shorts and a t-shirt. I’ll grab that while you shut everything off down here.”

I wasn’t about to argue with him there. It only took a minute to shut off all the lights except for one pendant over the sink and grab some water in case our bath left us dehydrated. Then he came bustling through the door, gym bag in hand but not wearing a coat.

“It’s too cold to be running around without a jacket on, Dixon,” I scolded.

“It’s not that bad, and I was only out there for a second. Besides, my blood is running so hot not even a blizzard could cool me down,” he replied, and I swore I could feel the heat coming off him. “Now, set the alarm and let’s go upstairs.”

I didn’t stop to ponder why his demand didn’t irritate me like it normally would have, instead accepting that his bossiness only made me want him more. Not even bothering to try to hide my eagerness, I took off through the house, trusting that he’d follow. Practically running through the family room and up the stairs, his laughter followed me to the third-floor master suite.

“Trying to work up a sweat before we get into the bed?” he asked as he strolled into my bedroom at a much more sedate pace and tossed his bag on the floor next to the armchair in my sitting area. It was my favorite place to sit and read, especially when the house filled up with my parents’ friends.

“Yeah,” I replied trying to slow down my breathing. “And I don’t want all that water to go to waste.”

“I can think of plenty of ways to get dirty before we get into the tub.” He stalked toward me, backing me into the bed until I plopped down. He widened my legs with his knee and stepped in closer, then stilled, making me look up to meet his eyes. “Do you want to get dirty with me, Melody?”

His words shot into my brain and radiated through my body, making me shiver from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. My eyes widened and my heart rate sped up again, and I took a moment to enjoy the delicious feelings rocketing through me, heightened by his commanding tone and use of my full name. If I agreed, I just knew he would take control and give me a night I wouldn’t soon forget. And maybe more.

“Yes, please.” My whispered words broke the silence between us, and Dixon let out a breath I didn’t know he was holding. He hadn’t looked nervous, but my delayed response must have concerned him, and the hint of vulnerability made me want him even more. If he hadn’t cared about my answer, I would have questioned his intentions, but knowing he really wanted me to say yes reinforced my decision.

“Take off your sweater,” he demanded, stepping back slightly so I could pull it over my head.

He mirrored my actions and pulled his wool, crewneck pullover off, leaving us both in matching white, short sleeved t-shirts. Dressing for the weather in the middle of winter meant layers around here, and we both grinned.

“That one, too.”

Again, we moved together, tossing our clothes into a pile on the floor. This time he was gloriously naked from the waist up, and I was left in a lace bra that I’d slipped on with the hope that he might get to see it tonight. Even though I owned a lingerie store, I didn’t always wear sexy underthings, though they were always what I would consider pretty. There was a lot to be said for being comfortable.

“I like that bra. The black lace looks really nice against your pale skin and it cups your tits perfectly.” He reached out and ran a finger over the tops of my breasts, then down the side and underneath them both. “Lie back, Melody.”

I did as I was told, scooching backwards until I was lying crossways in the center of the bed. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my abdomen before his eyes roamed my body, taking me in, heating more by the second. I loved that he didn’t hide his reaction and I could see just how much he enjoyed looking at me.

“Lift up,” he said, and I obliged. He slid my leggings down, leaving my panties in place but taking my socks with them. As he stood and began to take his own pants off, I took the opportunity to ogle his form. He was built like a man who worked out, with a defined chest dusted with a layer of dark hair, and strong shoulders and arms. I knew from our talks that he often stocked lumber and tossed around bags of dirt and fertilizer so he didn’t need to go to the gym. Even though he ran the store, he spent a lot of time on the floor, helping customers load their carts and cars.

“Do you like what you see?” he asked, catching me by surprise. I looked up to find him giving me a smug smile. The man obviously knew he looked good.

“Do you?” I shot back, full of sass, stretching my arms and pushing my chest into the air while I widened my legs.

He dropped the smirk and reached down to palm his cock through his boxer briefs.

“I’m rock hard and dripping for you, Melody. I more than like what I see.” His dirty words and complete honesty made my hips grind involuntarily, a movement that didn’t escape his notice. “Are you wet for me, Mellie? Are you ready to be mine?”

He kneeled on the bed between my legs, crawling up until we were face to face, his body hovering over mine.

“Yes, Dixon. I’m ready. I want you.”

A growl escaped his lips right before his lips met mine in a kiss that started out hot and went straight to scorching. He didn't waste any time with teasing or soft touches. No, he dove in, demanding I open for him, thrusting his tongue inside as his hips lowered, and he slid his dick along my pussy. I gasped at the contact, allowing him to take the kiss deeper. He lowered to his forearms, his hands framing my face, his chest meeting mine until we were skin to skin the entire length of our bodies, yet he still kept his full weight off me. His larger frame covered mine completely, and he was fully in control, but it didn’t feel claustrophobic. I felt safe and protected yet completely at his mercy. I trusted that he wouldn’t take advantage of his power.
