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“You know he hides in the same three places. Betcha he’s in the closet in the bathroom.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. Bye Auntie Em,” he calls behind him as he takes off toward the stairs.

I follow behind him into the kitchen, where I find the sauce simmering on the stove, and the tell-tale sign of garlic knots in the oven and my mouth waters.

I’ve felt queasy all day after drinking so much, and I can’t wait to eat.

“Holl?” I call, still searching for my best friend.

Seconds later, she appears, cheeks flushed, and her shirt on backwards.

I groan. I swear these two have sex like rabbits, and while I’m so unbelievably happy for my best friend and my favorite, okay only, brother, I still do not want to think about them having sex.


“Em, hey, sorry I was just uh…” She turns red, stumbling over her words.

Reed walks in behind her, a grin on his lips. “She was doing laundry.”

Nodding, she looks relieved. “Right, I was folding mountains of clothes.”

It’s actually sort of comical how embarrassed she gets when it comes to Reed, even after all these years. They’ve been married for years now, and it feels like forever, but that’s probably because I’ve been subjected to this torture for so long.

“Mhm, is that what you two are calling it these days?”

This time Reed shrugs shamelessly. “Sorry, Em, but my wife is hot as fuck, and I can’t help that I want to fu-”

He’s cut off when Holland slaps her hand over his mouth, turning red once more. “You. Out. Or it’ll be the last time we ever do laundry together.”

Reed mumbles against her hand until she yelps. “Did you just lick me? Oh god, would you go find Evan?”

He laughs, dipping down to give her a way too hot kiss. These two are so in love it’s sickening.

Sometimes when I see them, or any of our friends being so… domesticated, I think I want a stable, dependable relationship, and then something comes along and changes that way of thinking quickly.

Once he’s gone, Holland looks at me with a lovesick smile and sighs. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, Holl. I love seeing you happy. But what would make me happier is some of this lasagna. I’m hungover and starving.”

She laughs, walking over to the stove and stirring the pot of sauce, then pulling it from the burner. “You Davidsons are all the same. Now tell me what’s the emergency.”

Sitting down at the bar across from the stove, I sink further into the barstool and then I scan the kitchen, to make sure Reed and Evan aren’t both still hiding, and whisper it because I’ll actually die if my brother hears, “I had sex with Graham.”


I say it louder, still avoiding her gaze. “I had sex with Graham.”

She huffs. “I can’t hear you when you’re whispering from across the room, Emery.”

“I had sex with Graham!” I all but scream. It echoes around the kitchen slightly, and I groan, dropping my head onto my arms.

“I’m pretty sure I just heard you say you had sex with Graham. Like as in the LEFT WING, aka manwhore of the century?” Holland screeches.

Oh god, this is actual torture.

“You heard right. Holland, I couldn’t help it, my vagina has a brain of her own apparently. Ugh, my brain is completely jumbled right now.”

She abandons the sauce and comes over to the bar, taking a seat next to me. “Oh Em. Are you okay?” Not even waiting for my response, she tugs me into her arms and gives me a tight hug.
