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He’s the one who won’t listen. Tonight proved that things are messy, and complicated and that’s the opposite of what I want.

Mind-blowing sex or not.

I knew better than to let this happen. I did. I knew better, and I didn’t listen to my head. I thought it would be just sex, and tonight proved that it’s beyond that.


Holding my hand up to stop him, I raise my chin higher. This is not who I am. I know exactly the person I am and what I want out of life. I’m fine with casual, no strings, but not a jealous hookup. “How you acted tonight, like a jealous boyfriend? No, I’m done with this. Please don’t call me again. Tell my brother and Holland I wasn’t feeling well and I left. I think I’ve made it clear that this isn’t what I want.”

Why do all of this after saying he didn’t want me, and that he wasn’t interested. What happened to him being the hookup guy? Why has he suddenly flipped the script?

Now, more than ever, I’m confused.

I don’t give him a chance to respond; I turn on my heels and walk away. Clean break. That’s what we need. Even if it sucks to do it, I can’t and won’t lose myself in Graham.
