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“What's happening?” Holland asks.

“Nothing that you need to see,” Reed grumbles.

“Well, Graham is here, and I didn’t expect either of you, so he’s naked.”

Holland squeaks, “Ohshit.”

Reed turns a new shade of red, and I get ready to duck at any second because I’m sure as fuck, something is about to come flying at my head.

“Clothes! Now Adams!” he yells.

“Fuck, alright,” I mutter, turning around and running back to Em’s room. I hear Emery making a comment to Holland about “butt dimples” before I slam the door behind me.

Great, just fantastic.It’s bad enough that I knocked up my best friend’s sister, now he has to witness my dick swinging in the wind at her house.

I quickly throw on my shorts and tee then walk back out to the living room. Emery loops her arm in Holland’s and drags her toward the bedroom I just came out of.

“Trust me, we do not want to stay for this conversation.”

And then the two of them are gone, leaving me with a pissed-off Reed.

Listen, the guy might be my best friend, but he hasn’t forgiven me for sleeping with Emery, and he sure as shit hasn’t forgiven me for getting her pregnant. Not to mention, you really don't want to be on his bad side.

I sit on the opposite end of the couch, keeping my distance.

Silence hangs between us for what feels like minutes before he speaks.

“I’m going to beat the shit out of you,” he says so matter-of-factly.

“Figured. I deserve it, I guess. For sleeping with your sister.”

He looks over at me, the same shade of blue in his eyes as Emery. “You fuck. It’s not because you decided to sleep with my sister, it’s because I know you and I know how you are. And I know that you’ll hurt her.”

“I’ll never hurt her. Ever,” I say assuredly. “I’m fucking crazy about her, Reed.”

The look on his face shows he doesn’t believe me, and hell, I don’t blame him. I had fun; I didn’t let shit hold me back. I had nothing to tie me down.

“Listen, I love her, Reed. I haven’t told her that because she’d probably block me and never speak to me again, but I fucking love her, and there’s nothing I wouldn't do for her or my girls. Nothing. If you wanna kick my ass, fine. But I'm still going to love her, and I’m not going anywhere. You need to know that.”

For a second, I think he might hit me, but he shakes his head. “If you hurt her, if you do anything to make her cry…” he trails off.

He doesn’t even need to say it.

“We’re on the same page.”

He nods, not looking entirely convinced. “Still want to put my fist through your face.”


“Uh,” Holland calls from the doorway, “sorry to interrupt your heart-to-heart, but uh… we’ve got a problem.”

Reed and I look at each other then back at Holland.

“What?” we say in unison.

“Grahaaaaaaam!!!” Emery screeches, pushing past Holland through the doorway of the kitchen. “Get the bag. Get the bag. Shit, get the bag!”

Wait, what?
