Page 2 of Stolen Trophy

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“Sorry, I was miles away,” I admit.

He chuckles and gently squeezes my fingers, our clasped hands resting on the seat between us. “I could tell. Stop worrying. I’ve heard the speech, and it will be great.Youwill be great. They will love you.”

“I hope so.” I sigh, letting a hint of vulnerability tinge my tone. “More so, I hope we earn enough money for the kids.”

He waves that away as always. I understand. He’s never struggled financially, so how could I expect him to understand?

“I’m just glad you’re at my side,” I reply instead and lean in to kiss him. He groans, tilting his head down as he meets my lips. I pull away with ragged breaths. My heart thumps frantically while my legs clench together, and my clit throbs as I imagine all the ways he will show me how proud he is later.

“God, the things you do to me, love.” His eyes shut for a moment as he reaches out and rubs along my lips. “If you’re not careful, I’ll turn this car around.”

“Later,” I promise, even though I want nothing but that as well. What I’m doing tonight is more important, though, so I lean back and stop teasing us both as we drive towards the old civic hall, where tonight’s event is being held.

Ten minutes later, we pull up outside. Through the tinted windows, I see the paparazzi lingering, waiting to get their shots of tonight’s celebrities and politicians as they enter—including me. The red carpet glistens under the lights, and luxury flows from inside, welcoming the richest people of this city.

All for my cause.

My charity.

My event.

“Are you ready?” Chaz asks as I turn to him.

Swallowing my nerves and the little girl inside of me who still doesn’t feel like she belongs here, I incline my head. “As ready as I will ever be.”

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