Page 49 of Stolen Trophy

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His cock.

He’s enjoying this.

Swallowing, I close my eyes as a tear trails down my cheek. There’s a noise, and I open my eyes to see Eric at the top of the stairs. He’s staring at me, not the man beyond the door. His expression is pained as he watches me before he turns and heads back the way he came.

“No problems at all. Have a nice day,” the man replies, and Archer stays there, watching. There’s a roar of a car engine a moment later, and then he shuts the door, glaring at me and then Gage.

“Get her upstairs and come back down. We need to talk. It’s time we leave before we draw too much attention.”

I read between the lines—they are going to decide what to do with me.

I have a very bad idea it might involve a shallow grave.

I feel so lost, with no direction or hope. They are the only things anchoring me to the world, but I know they won’t let go. I know too much. So what now? Do I just wait for my fate? I don’t fight as Gage tosses me over his shoulder and takes the stairs two at a time. Kicking open my door, he deposits me onto the bed before leaving without a backwards glance. He locks the door and heads back downstairs, leaving me silently crying.

My whole world and future crumbles around me like the old bricks of this forgotten farmhouse.

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