Page 7 of Stolen Trophy

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“No, thank you, Karl,” I murmur, making my way over the pavement.

“Should I return for Mr. Dandridge?”

I pause before glancing over my shoulder. “That won’t be necessary, Karl. Mr. Dandridge will make his own way to his house. Take the rest of the night off and spend it with that new baby girl you have waiting at home.”

Karl tips his hat at me graciously. “Thank you, Ms. Dalton. I’ll see you Monday morning. Have a good evening.”

He climbs into his car, only pulling away once I’m inside the lobby of the apartment building. Karl is always kind enough to make sure I make it inside safely. I nod my head to the receptionist at the front, who doesn’t bother to check my credentials. I pay them enough for the penthouse that they recognise my face and have no need to stop me.

I’m silent on the elevator ride up, my eyes meeting my own in the shiny reflection before me. The image of Chaz kissing Sarah Brown’s lips and then her neck hits me again. A family heirloom, she said. She’d been teasing me in front of everyone. What an idiot I am.

I’m so inside my head, I barely notice that my keypad moves when I press it, but I do notice when it doesn’t make the normal beep when I press in the numbers. Frowning, I go to reach for the knob, only to find the door just barely ajar. A normal person would call the receptionist if they heard the soft murmur of voices coming from inside. I pay for security, but there’s clearly someone in my apartment. I know it’s not Chaz. Not even he can finish quickly enough to have beaten me here.

With a frown, I push the front door open and step inside, my brows furrowed in anger. Three men look up from where they are currently working to pull the TV from the wall mount, their eyes wide. A fourth man, a very attractive blond one, strolls from my bedroom with some of my plastic jewellery from a past pub crawl around his neck and on his fingers.

“Hello, love,” he purrs and pinkie waves at me.

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