Page 15 of Flight Plan

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Wesley chuckled, tilting his head.

Apprehension curled in her stomach, as if she’d said something wrong or dumb. She crossed her arms, regretting she’d allowed this nonsense.

“Sure.” He nodded. “That’s good, commendable.”

“Oh? Then why were you looking at me like that?”

“Sorry. I am just surprised.”

She wound her arms tighter, feeling negative pressure against her chest.

“I really do think it’s admirable. Look, a huge part of meditation is bettering oneself. Goddess knows I’ve come a long way.”

“Goddess?” She couldn’t help chuckling.

He flashed white teeth. “If there is an almighty creator, then I’d like to picture the deity as a full-figured woman.”

She bent forward laughing, cutting any earlier tension. When her laughter ceased, she admitted, “Being in the army, profanity is as common as one’s name, but here in civilian life, specifically being around my ten-year-old son, I want to change that. My son Jack…he’s very sweet. I don’t want my bad influences to turn him into a punk.”

“You have a son?” Wesley’s gaze seemed filled with wonder.

“Yeah. He’s why I left the army.” She couldn’t bring up the fact her mother forced the decision. “It was time for a change.”


Something underlying in his deep golden eyes made her nervously wonder what he was really thinking.

But Wesley quickly hid the thought by moving into action. “Then this is how you overcome your swearing.” He pried her tightly folded arms apart and talked her through five minutes of meditation set with intention.
