Page 63 of Flight Plan

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Chapter Twenty


Ava yawned as she left the bedroom, wearing the shorts and T-shirt she had hastily changed into when they’d returned to the house last night, not having slept well beside her son. She imagined the damp pile of clothes on her bedroom floor needed attention, but she couldn’t deal with it now. Only her desperation for coffee made her shuffle forward. She dragged her fingers through her hair, securing it in a messy ponytail as she followed her son and his charismatic pet downstairs.

It warmed her to see the team had hung around despite they’d packed up their summer operation and moved back to the city two days ago, only to return for one last Draco Enterprise event.

Ava and Jack entered the room where everyone had congregated, a room once converted for the team to work in but having been broken down days before to accommodate the event and restore the home to the way Brock left it before his extended honeymoon.

Wesley paused from speaking to Samir when he caught her eye. In that glance, something passed between them, making her dizzy with the strength of it. She dropped her gaze, placing her hand on Jack’s shoulder.

Jack gently stroked the bearded dragon’s head with his fingertips as his face lit up. “Hi!” He seemed thrilled to have the house full of familiar faces.

“How’s Goliath doing?” asked Todd.

“Good.” Jack went straight to Todd’s chair, shrugging off her hand. “Thanks for putting him back in his cage.”

“No problem.” Todd leaned forward, holding his hot coffee away from the reptile, saying hello with the same gentle strokes as Jack’s to Goliath’s long golden torso.

Cheered by their presence, she placed her hand over her heart. “Morning, everyone. And thank you so much for your help last night.”

Brock stood, looking relieved and freshly dressed. Opening his arms in the most dramatic way, he embraced her. She stiffened, but slowly exhaled and relaxed her muscles, feeling the genuine concern in his bear hug.

When he released her, he began apologizing. “Please forgive me. I should have had that tea house repaired before summer. I had no idea it was in dire need of mending. Of course, I will cover any hospital expenses you’ve incurred.”

“It was an accident. Besides, Jorge warned us all to avoid it.” Her kid hadn’t listened, as kids do. And though the whole thing had been terrifying for her, she didn’t blame anyone like she might have before. The days of pointing the finger had passed. Ava had to be smarter, calmer, and patient to maneuver into a successful life for them. Being here these past months with Wesley, and the moms from the club next door, had taught her a lot. Brock gave her another hug for understanding, reiterating he was serious about any expenses.

Jorge entered from the kitchen side of the room, followed by the Hathaways. Miguel ran to Jack and looked over his cast.

Rosa crossed the room, stopping to see the blue cast before reaching Ava. “Oh, I can’t believe it.”

Again, Ava was embraced. Rosa’s perfume filled her nostrils much like Brock’s spicy cologne did moments ago. And all this before a cup of coffee.

Ava wondered at the Hathaway family’s return. “You heard? And you’re here?” They’d left yesterday afternoon to fly to Montreal for the weekend, hence leaving Jack to stay isolated in his bedroom.

“Our flight was delayed,” said Clifford. “We sat in the international airport all afternoon and evening until we saw your helicopter on the news.”

“We made the news?” Wesley’s brows rose.

“Yes. Local news.” Clifford nodded. “Rosa refused to go to Montreal after that. So here we are.”

Rosa teetered on her heels, brushing her long hair over her shoulders. “No! No way!” Her pearlescent nail polish gleamed in the morning light as she spoke with her hands. “I told Cliff. We are going home. Right away. I will not leave my friend during a time like this. All the ladies agreed. They send their love and prayers for a speedy recovery for Jack.”

“You spoke with the ladies from the club already?”Wow. News travels fast.

“Yes. Paisley is making Jack a batch of chocolate chunk cupcakes. The ones he likes. She’ll drop them off in a little while.”

Chocolate chuck cupcakes? The ones he likes?“Oh, yeah.” Ava had brought home leftover cupcakes once that Jack had raved about. She’d forgotten mentioning it to Paisley. “That’s sweet of her to remember.”

“The ladies wanted me to tell you to let them know if you need anything. Anything at all.”

“Really?” There it was again—that sentimental lump in her throat.

“You are one of us. Friends help friends, sister.”

It seemed everyone in the room understood how sentimental this was for Ava as silence engulfed them.

Finally, Jorge cleared his throat. “How about some breakfast? I’ve mixed up pancake batter.”
