Page 9 of Flight Plan

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“I wouldn’t be here if not for Todd.” She smoothed her palms over her hips, exhaling a gusty blow. “It’s hardly my kind of crowd. I hang around with more of your average joes, like the guys in my unit. When I had a unit.” She grumbled the last part under her breath.

He’d been living among the ultra-wealthy for a few years now, and he still hadn’t gotten used to the extravagant lifestyle. “Hey, I know I’m not your favorite person but if you need an ally, give me a signal.”

For the first time, she laid sincere eyes on him, elating him with this tiny victory.

After a micro nod, very militant, she murmured, “I guess we could walk in together.”

Todd spotted them. “Where have you two been?”

Ava tensed. “Not together. We just came downstairs at the same time.”

“Huh.” Todd stroked his chin, holding in a grin. “Funny coincidence.”

Wesley caught what Todd was getting at, but Todd couldn’t be more wrong. Ava had shown zero interest in him. Still, Wesley enjoyed watching them banter as only old or dear friends could.

“Wes, do you mind if I steal her? I want to introduce her to some people.”

“Of course. Enjoy the party.” Wesley drifted off to get some mineral water at the bar as he pondered over Ava’s sudden willingness to allow him at her side, entering a crowded room. With drink in hand, he mingled with guests flown in from all over the globe. Though Brock was a lawyer for the rich and famous, it surprised Wesley at how many came in from foreign countries.

All through mingling and dinner, he watched Ava, observing how often she visited the bar. He guessed her earlier apprehension about being from the other side of the tracks had really bothered her. He’d thought her unshakable, but now, he thought there must be so much more to her.

After dinner, with the gala still going strong and the music picking up tempo, Wesley lost track of Ava. Unable to get her off his mind, he slipped off in search of her. His first inclination was to go outside where he’d found her earlier, but something told him to explore an unfamiliar corridor to his left. When passing by a small parlor, he glanced inside, only scarcely slowing his long stride. He stopped short and returned to rest his palms on the doorjamb.

“Hey, want company?”

Ava stared at him through a golden haze of dim lamp light. “I’m fine.”

He’d learned long ago when a woman saidI’m fine,it was code forI’m not fine. He moved into the room and sat next to her.

Nude-colored heels laid forgotten on the Persian carpet. Ava’s feet were curled under her perfectly round bottom as she slouched against the damask settee. He noted the embroidered pattern, surprisingly similar to the embellished tunic one of his Russian characters wore in the game.

When his gaze met her bleary eyes, he wished she hadn’t drunk so much. But maybe the alcohol would relax her, allow her to share something about herself.

Wesley sat close, inhaling the floral perfume she hadn’t worn earlier. The V-neck of her dress plunged low, exposing silky skin; the supple midnight-blue fabric dulled in comparison. She swung her sculpted arm, setting her empty glass on the table beside her. Before she turned, she loosened her hair and the dark curls washed over her bare shoulders, amplifying her intoxicating scent.

He projected a silent mantra to the universe:I want her.

“Wes, you want a drink?”

“Nah, I’m good.” Being with someone who drank heavily was not a viable option for him. If this behavior was Ava’s norm, then he would allow himself to get to know her—if only for the weekend and only for the sake of the game.

“Do you drink?” She seemed to sense his brush-off didn’t jive.

He studied her. Though she appeared tipsy, her brain still processed with efficiency.

“Why do you ask?”

“I didn’t see you participate in the champagne toast at dinner.”

“Maybe I don’t like champagne.” He smirked, happy she’d noticed.

“I suspect you were drinking seltzer water all night.”

“Sparkling mineral water,” he couldn’t help correcting as his grin widened.

“I drank so much,” she wrinkled her nose, “early in my career, trying to prove I could keep up with my army brothers.” Ava stared at a point beyond him, a long-suffering sigh escaping her lips.

“And did you?” he asked, prompting her. “Keep up with your army brothers?”
