Page 10 of Your Path To Me

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I can feel what’s coming.

“Macy…it’s been a long time,” her words linger.

"Hello, Liza," Macy whispers with a shaky voice.

“Liza we’ll have to chat later, we’re on the way to lunch,” I growl at her as my stomach clenches.

I don’t trust my sister after all the shit she recently put Avery and Blade through.

“Oh I see, you’re taking out the trash first eh?” She cackles like a witch and my fist clenches.

I hear Macy gasp and pull back from my arm a bit.

“Shut up Liza! I’m not playing around with your crap today. You will not talk to Macy like that ever again!”

"I just call it like I see it, big brother," she sneers.

Macy pulls her arm completely out of mine now and covers her mouth as she takes a step back. I turn to try to say something but she already started in.

“I’m just going to go back to work. Um…I actually have a lot to do,” she scurries back in the door and my stomach drops as I watch her.

I turn around with blood boiling. I swear I don’t know how I’m related to this woman.

“Why are you always such a bitch Liza?” My tone grows. “First it’s Avery and now Macy again? What the hell is wrong with you that you have to tear other people down!?”

I turn to follow Macy’s steps back into the library but I stop and turn back to my sister, "You know what, I've had enough of you and your antics. I'm talking to dad…no…WEare talking to dad and settling this rude behavior of yours as soon as possible!”

Her mouth opens but I point my finger at her to shut her up, “Don’t even say another thing. Get the hell out of here!”

She folds her arms over her chest in a big harrumph and stomps off like a baby.


My heart drops.

She’s never going to have me now.
